Packet manipulation

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Skionz, Feb 2, 2015.

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    Currently I am working on removing my ProtocolLib dependency for this. Basically this means I need to know how to modify outgoing PacketStatusOutServerInfo packets. I'm not just interested in changing the online players, but changing all of the data stored in the packet.

    What I have tried
    Initially I tried creating a subclass of PlayerConnection and overriding the sendPacket method. To make sure it worked I printed out the packet class names as it was invoked, but PacketStatusOutServerInfo was not there. At first I was surprised, but then I realized this was because the Player hadn't joined the server yet and their corresponding EntityPlayer instance didn't exist yet.

    Background Information
    The PacketStatusOutServerInfo is a packet that that sends data (players, motd, etc.) about the server to the client which it displays in the server list. When the client sends a packet requesting this data the server creates a new 'ServerPing' instance which stores all of this instance. Then it creates a PacketStatusOutServerInfo instance with the ServerPing object as it's only argument. All of this happens in the PacketStatusListener class which invokes NetworkHandler#handle(Packet). This is the same method that PlayerConnection#sendPacket() uses. When the player joins the server an EntityPlayer instance is created and I believe the NetworkHandler corresponding to that EntityPlayer is created in the constructor. The NetworkHandler instance used when the server sends a PacketStatusOutServerInfo packet is created in this class. Then that class creates a new HandshakeListener, which creates a new PacketStatusListener using a MinecraftServer and the original NetworkHandler as arguments. I'm not sure if this is important, but it gives a decent background on whats going on.

    If I can get the outgoing PacketStatusOutServerInfo instance, then I can use reflection to get the 'b' field (ServerPing) which stores all of the information. So... Anyone have any ideas? You may need to get your decompiler out.
  2. Offline


    @Skionz Could you do this with ProtocolLib? Why not look at its source?
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    @teej107 I have been searching, but so far no luck. Ill keep looking tomorrow.
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