Solved Owners can't build in their own region. (Worldguard) HELP! I mean it.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Pokeluigimon49364, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. For over a week, I have been trying various combinations of trying to let the owner of a region build in it, but no one else can. I basically want a plot where only the owner can build.

    I removed all worldguard regions in my world to start fresh. Then I tried the following combinations:

    1) /region define plot
    /region addowner plot Pokeluigimon

    Result: Failure, I can't build.

    2) /region define plot
    /region flag plot construct owner
    /region addowner plot Pokeluigimon

    Result: Failure, still can't build

    3) /region define plot
    /region flag plot build allow
    /region flag plot construct owner
    /region addowner plot Pokeluigimon

    Result: Fail again

    4) Add random permissions to PermissionsEX - group.**
    /region define plot
    /region flag plot construct owner
    /region addowner plot Pokeluigimon


    5) Added random permissions
    /region define plot
    /region addowner plot Pokeluigimon

    Result: Another failure....

    I'm pretty sure I have the latest worldguard. "/region addowner" command doesn't seem to do anything.
    Please help. I would really really really appreciate it if you can help me fix this problem. Thank you!
  2. Bump, issue has not been resolved.
  3. Offline


    Try worldguard.region.bypass.<WORLDNAME>

    Replace <WORLDNAME> with the name of your world
  4. Offline


    1. To verify that addowner is working do a /region info to make sure your name is there.

    2. Can you build in this area before you create the region?

    3. You can also use /region define <region-name> <owner-name>
  5. Offline


    Or /region redefine <region-name> <owner-name>
  6. Offline


    do you have a region IN a region? if so, don't forget to /region setparent REGION1 REGION2
  7. Offline


    I unfortunately have this problem too. Setparent has not functioned as well.

    could someone please explain me this:

    Try worldguard.region.bypass.<WORLDNAME>

    the perm node is placed for members? this does not make them destroy standard worldguarded zones right?
  8. Offline


    Don't use set parent for region in a region. Use /region setpriority innerregion 2 (or a higher number)
  9. Thanks for the tips guys. However, I did not get it to fully work. With a single region with /region define <region(Southplot2)> and then /region addowner <region(Southplot2)> <player(Pokeluigimon)> plus /region info <region(Southplot2)> I got the person to able to build. Yay!

    But then, here is the bad part. I add an outer larger region which covers the entire world. I did /region define <region(Protectivecreative)>.

    After that, I did this to the smaller region (plot) /region setpriority <region(Southplot2)> 10
    Even with a priority of 10 for the plot, people still can't build in it. I did /region addowner and I did /region info, and it says they are owner. The only way to fix was to remove the outer region. However, that would cause massive griefing problems.

    Here is outer region. (Protectivecreative)
            type: cuboid
            min: {x: -99999.0, y: 0.0, z: -99999.0}
            max: {x: 99999.0, y: 254.0, z: 99999.0}
            priority: 0
            flags: {game-mode: CREATIVE, mob-damage: allow, enderdragon-block-damage: deny,
                fire-spread: allow, build: allow, grass-growth: allow, ghast-fireball: deny,
                mob-spawning: deny}
            owners: {}
            members: {}
    Here is the inner region. (Southplot2)
            type: cuboid
            min: {x: -104.0, y: 0.0, z: 104.0}
            max: {x: -5.0, y: 255.0, z: 203.0}
            priority: 100
            flags: {enderman-grief: deny, mob-damage: allow, enderdragon-block-damage: deny,
                construct: OWNERS, mob-spawning: allow}
                players: [pokeluigimon333, pokeluigimon111, wex45]
            members: {}
    Thanks in advance!
  10. Bump, issue has not been resolved. Please read post above for info about the problem. Thanks.
  11. Offline


    NOTE: Make sure OTHER regions ARE NOT overlapping each other BECAUSE you will have problems. Best of Luck! ~Polish
  12. Offline


    So my assumption is that no-one can build on the server? Anyways, give these a go.
    • Check your radius for "spawn-protection=16" in your file ?
    • Check your Essentials Anti-Build configurations, if you have one ?
    Doesn't hurt to try.
  13. Polishgaming
    Yeah I know. But if they don't overlap, people can grief the large region. I already fixed the problem with /region flag __global__ deny. It fixed everything. And yes the thread is solved now. Thanks though. The solution is: /region flag __global__ deny instead of overlapping regions and setting priorities.

    Thanks for the tips, but I already solved the problem from minecraft forums. No your assumption is not correct. I have successfully made buildable regions and non-buildable regions overlapping eachother before. It's just the /region addowner problem. The solution is: /region flag __global__ deny instead of overlapping regions and setting priorities.
  14. Offline


    Ok that's good to hear, only just giving you some options to try/check, nothing more.
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