Hello, I am trying to install craftbukkit 1.0.0 on my vps with 128 dedicated memory and 256 burst. Whenever I start it it all goes well then suddenly it just comes up with loads of java errors. Heres my server.log file: I started my code with... OS: CentOs 5.0 64bit Memory: 128mb Burst Memory: 256mb. Build: #1465
128mb is not enough to start Minecraft. You really need at least 256mb to start the server at all although you will most likely want more. It is also worth remembering as well that not all your memory is available for Minecraft in the first place. There is some overhead from the operating system. Type 'free -m' at the command line before you start to see how much actual memory is available. I think your only option though will be to upgrade to the next tier of VPS. If you need a recommendation of a good company, I can provide one.
Well no, not really since burst is not something you are meant to use for long periods of time and you will need all of it (and then some more) all the time. Eventually they will want that memory back. Different companies do it in different ways so you will need to check the terms and conditions.
256mb burst memory is not nearly enough, i sugest you upgrade, your VPS seems to be for a website but not a game.
The amount of memory you need really depends on the amount of players and plugins you want to support. From personal experience I would not attempt Minecraft with less than 512mb of RAM. To give you an idea here is a link to the memory status page for my server: http://armathia.net/utilities/memory-usage - it is a 12 slot server with a few plugins and only one world.
My own profiling shows that Bukkit and Minecraft uses around 150-200mb at startup with no players connected. 256mb is simply not enough I am afraid. Upgrade your VPS to the next tier or if that is too expensive go with another provider.
Try to swap to one of the other VPS that have more RAM. Do not settle for anything less than 512, although personally I would want more to avoid problems. Always remember the OS takes a chunk out of available RAM. I tend to assume it will use around 64-128mb.
Stay away from any VPS that uses OpenVZ and look for one that uses Xen intead. Using burst RAM can cause unpredictable behavior, and if you rely on burst too much, the hypervisor will kill off your processes. Xen works differently and doesn't have burst RAM, but usually has a swap file (or you should be able to create one). You'll also want more RAM to start. I'd start with 512MB for the absolute minimum for the VPS (allocate ~384M to minecraft), but you'll likely want more than that if you want more than a couple of people on your server.