Opinions on three plugin ideas

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Jobi, Oct 16, 2013.

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    Hello :)

    I'd like to have your opinions on three plugin ideas which I recently had:
    1. The plugin logs every packet which is relevant ingame in a file and stores the world how it was when the plugin started logging. When someone enters a special command
      (/flashback <exact start time> <exact end time>), he would get teleported to an other world in which virtual players (human entities) move like the real players did previously. To do this the plugin would simply read out the file up to the end time, spawn the entities at the position they had at the start time and move them/place blocks/drop items everytime it finds the specific packet in the packet log. There should be a command to increase/decrease the play-back speed (not sure if thats the correct word^^)

      USAGE:Allowing server admins to see if a reportet player was really hacking without anyone needing to record it.
    2. Parts of this plugin are similar to the first one...
      This plugin would log every blockchange/entity movement as well, and store it in a file again.
      When the server admin wants to load a backup, he could simply enter a command like
      "/rollback <exact time>" and the server would perform every done change to a world (the plugin saves the world on the first load). The advantage of this plugin is, that you
      1. have a backup from every single state your world has ever been
      2. just need to save the world once instead each time you're making a backup
    1. Once again the plugin has to do with packets...
      You can set regions and add players to regions in this plugin (a player can have 1 region, a region can have multiple players). When the player is in the created region he would only be able to see players who belong to this region as well (other entities would just be invisible) and entities which are outside the region. The special thing is, that every blockchange someone performs only gets send to players who to belong to that region as well.
      (no region = normal world) This means, that you could have a dungeon in which a bunch of teams (lets say at least 2 players per team) are playing. They wouldn't see eachother. They wouldn't see blockchanges made by others. They wouldn't edit the real world.
    Thanks for giving me your opinions on this ideas. If there is something you don't understand, feel free to ask me. (Yes, I know that I'm not the best at describing things)
  2. Offline


    Are you looking for someone to make this?
  3. Offline


    no, this would be too much for someone without payment. I just want opinions. (of course it would be cool if someone could make it, but I might make some of them later)
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