[Open Beta][WEB/ADMIN] SpaceBukkit - Web Administration the awesome way

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Antariano, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I like to keep in touch with the people :)
  2. Offline


    All I have to say is WOW this is absolutely great, and the best part is that it works perfectly on my iPad. (btw I am currently writing from it). My one comment is that the inventory viewer looks a bit sketchy, and I was wondering if you had considered creating something akin to the minecraft inventory screen?

    P.S. I would ask if there was any thing I could do to help but u seem to have this all wrapped up pretty tight.
  3. Offline


    For now we're settled, and styling will be done once functionality fixes have been carried out (we're already working on a major redesign).
    Thanks for your kind words! :)
    ellisgeek likes this.
  4. An idea I had, if it's not too much too ask, maybe you could include templates in it, that had different types of templates showing things like users online, maybe one for just names, one for their skin heads and people could put them on to their sites. As I know myself, not everyone's that good at creating scripts that can do this, like myself.

    If that didn't make sense, which it probably doesn't, I'm basically saying maybe include some scripts that people can paste onto their site to show things like:
    • Users online (Different options, like showing a list of names, or their skins)
    • Small buttons that change to online or offline depending on the server status that can be placed
    I understand it might not be the best of ideas, but it'd be really helpful if this was implemented, or even have it's own plugin/thread that people could pay a few dollars to use the scripts you've created.

    I hope you take my idea on board, even if it does cost, I'll definitely put a few dollars into getting them. :D
    Or if you could make a few scripts for me, I'm happy to pay a reasonable amount. :)
  5. Offline


    Planned, but not on my todo right now. It's not essential. I'll get this done or make someone get it done after beta though :) Our API can accomplish something like that very easily.
    Nentify likes this.
  6. Really? That's great! :)
    This isn't really related to the plugin, because it's not implemented, but maybe you could add compatibility with BuyCraft? I'd love to be able to list recent donators and move the store from their site to mine. I've got the premium status and I've got a list of all the "API codes" as they seem to be called if you're interested in doing this.

    http://store.buycraft.net/romancraft - This is the sort of basic layout/idea I was looking for, I'm not exactly an expert in PHP and of the sort. But I'd love you forever if you included some sort of "Recent Donators" system.
  7. Offline


    Our Addon system will most likely be able to accomplish such things.
    Nentify and maniacmusic like this.
  8. Okay, thanks for the fast replies, I'm looking forward to the release! :)
    On the front page, does that mean it'll cost for a public server, but free for a private server only for a few people? (Sorry about all the questions by the way, really looking forward to it and want to see what it'll be able to do :))
  9. Offline


    As long as you are not making money while using SpaceBukkit (you're a hoster for example) it's free.
  10. Making money donation-wise, or selling it on to customers as a server hosting company?
  11. I belive making money donation wise is just fine. I believe what Antariano means is that you can not make money off SpaceBukkit.
  12. Offline


    That would be crazy, making ppl pay for something you didn't create :O
  13. Ah, thanks, that's what I thought.
  14. Just a heads up: When you ban someone (Using the public demo thingy) it says "SpacBukkit is sure to miss him" instead of "SpaceBukkit is sure to miss him"
    Jamy likes this.
  15. Offline


    Guys, we've been working non-stop today trying to fix those final bugs, but we didn't succeed. So; don't get mad at me, but we'll have to delay the closed beta.. This shouldn't affect the open beta thought ;)
    I thank all of you for your support in this. :)
    Antariano likes this.
  16. Are you guys in need of another java developer? :p
  17. Offline


    We would need 2 more of myself :D
  18. Offline


    As in PHP?
  19. Offline


    Haha, good one ;)
    I suppose you could make a duplicating machine.
    I mean, if you can make SpaceBukkit, you certainly can make a duplicating machine, right?
    r3Fuze likes this.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Jup, but we're planning on changing the wiki ;)
  22. Offline


  23. PHP?
  24. Offline


    What i said.
  25. Offline


    OMG dude please omg please just please realse this for now as a beta i wanty want want want!
  26. Offline


    are you planning to fill the wiki with informations ??^^
  27. Offline


    :p that's the plan more or less
  28. Offline


    more less than more
  29. Offline


    Another day without spacebukkit has passed.. I feel so empty inside :'(
    It's not that bad I had a great day
    shadrxninga likes this.
  30. Offline


    each day that passes means more awesomeness the day it's ready. I set beta day to 17th, I think we should manage to get everything done till then
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