Only 2mbps up connection! You can handle 22-30~ Players no problem!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by andrewkm, May 10, 2011.

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    Except that when the server is sending chunks to players it will use around 500KiB/s if available, if you're running on 2mbps then teleports will be slow, really slow.
    For basic movement around a central point then yes, 2mbps will do, but connecting will be slow while it loads chunks, and any plugin that allows teleporting should probably not be used.
  3. Offline


    There's a lot that goes into how many players you can host; and not all of it is determined by comparing blunt speed test numbers and your ram/processor.

    I think the best way to find your limits is to optimize as much as you can, then start small, and slowly up your maximum players until you find a sweet spot that allows for smallest amount of lag for the most players.

    That said, personally I had a 2mbps connection and couldn't handle more than ~15 players running around without some lag. I upped it to a 3mbps line, and it made all the difference. I haven't really seen much lag since then.
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  5. Offline

    Nathan C

    Yeh, with 20 players, I see 3 mbps +
  6. Offline


    Nice, can you please PM me with the disabled services, or add them in the post?
  7. Offline


    Also how many/what plugins where you running? I know that has less to do with upload speed than CPU/RAM but it's worth mentioning.
  8. Offline


    Here is some real world stats for you.

    I have 8 people on right now, 4 worlds loaded. My worlds make a huge difference though as i use PTM to generate crazy landscapes.

    or a week long view, where i peak out at about 25-28 users
  9. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    hmm so you think a 10Mbps line could handle two servers of around 25-30 slots each?
  10. Offline


    is that up or down?
  11. Offline


    So, how much players would 0.94 MBPS upload handle? I've had up to 11 players out of 20 with no trouble...
  12. Offline


    ya, as long as its both directions.
  13. Offline


    @PhonicUK did, he is a genious indeed, made McMyAdmin and stuff :)
  14. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    thats the upsteam, I assume down is more..
  15. Offline


    What? THAT MUCH? My PC can hardly reach 0.90 Mbps upload speed, not that I wanted to start a server, just saying.
  16. Offline


    I blame providers having uploads and downloads travel through the same wire. Uploads tend to get the worse frequencies and less of them because companies aren't forward-thinking enough to realize that people aren't just using their connections to browse the 'net anymore. Granted, the use of a single wire as opposed to a double wire is for reduced cost, but still, I'd rather give up some of my 10 Mbps download to improve my sub-1 Mbps upload.

    This is why I hate having cable internet. I also hate that FiOS isn't available in my area despite being better overall and offering a 5/5 plan for fairly cheap.
  17. Offline


    That this is brillent reduces chunk size sent to like 500byes :p combine that with The performance tweak that makes the server act like its on ramdrive but with out the volatility of a ramdisk and u have a lagless 30 player server even on 1mbs up.
  18. Offline


    what tweek is this?
  19. Offline


    I think your reffering to the ramdisk like plugin.

    thast called Peformance Tweaks
  20. Offline


    Performance tweaks? Haven't seen that b4. And hw come I have a 3 mbps upload speed and yet my pals complain their ass off abt lag. Their download speed doesnt even get past 1 mbps. There's rarely more than 2 ppl on at the same time and I run it on my home pc, that I use for other stuff like surfing the net and downloading stuff. But when I run the server I turn off everything.

    OP: When u say 4GB RAM, do you use all of them? I have 4GB RAM but I can only use 1GB because I run on a 32-bit system.
  21. Offline


    That mostly of your issue there mate 1GB wont go far at all
    in Server world for players the chunk stuff takes about that on its own.

    Neva eva use all your ram if you have 4gig only run with 3g "3gig being the most you would want to use if your running the server on a dedciated hosting machine with server software installed if your running windows 7 or xp make sure you fine tune the OS first they carry a lot of bulk out of the box.

    In light of two plugins that stand out and WILL reduce your lag by a sucfficent amount and more so when more players make use of Craftproxy as well.

    Performance Tweaks < For lowing Overall server mob count and reducing Hard disk reads/writes.

    CraftProxy < Get players using this and yourself reduces need to send data more then it needs to and caches the chunk data on your players end making latancy better and reduces bandwidth usage.
  22. Offline


    How do I bully my ISP into giving me my LISTED megabits per second? I called and they baby walked me through testing on speed test and spent a few minutes convincing me that 0.54 Mbps is correct for my internet, but when I look at my bill it clearly says 5Mbps.
  23. Offline


    The 5mbps is probably download not upload. And it's normally "Up to" not guaranteed.
  24. Offline


    It's upload. I have 15Mb download and I actually get that, when I do speed test. The guy just sounded like a total doofus when he was trying to tell me that 0.54Mbps means 5Mbps. And I do have my Megabit/Megabyte wording right. MB for megabyte, Mb for megabit. And I verified that with him and could not get a straight response. And before they made changes to my account it measured at 4Mbps. ISP's are so shifty and dirty dealing that it's not even funny.
  25. Offline


    The 1.6 patch will add a serverside setting to control how many chunks the player sees. This can be adjusted to reduce bandwidth consumed by all players.
  26. Offline


    This will increase bandwidth for users too. Notch should add a switch on the client side too.

    The value that the client sets would be the one that is used, unless they set it higher than the server admin's max setting.
  27. Offline


    Wow hope your sharing that pc with gaming as well and not just hosting.
    I dont even run all of that even for gaming.


    opps nvm missed the fact u stated there all disabled, good good :p

    I said that .... :eek:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
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  29. Offline


    Thats pretty good for only 2mbps, on my old cable connection (40mbps down/1.5mbps up) i hosted a server and was able to get 5-7 players with no noticeable lag.But the problem i was facing was mainly my ram (only 2gb).
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