Filled One at a time - Make players have 'tickets'

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by domdomegg, Apr 2, 2013.


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    Plugin category: Admin tools, Informational, Chat related

    Suggested name: OneAtATime

    What I want: If you own a server, you know what it is like to try to answer all your players questions. I run a server where around 20 people are on at most times. Most of the time I am answering questions, and about 4 questions are thrown at me so quickly and I have to try to answer them! It would be great if they could send a ticket, so when I had the chance to answer them, I could. They would be formatted into a queue, and then I could go through and answer them easily and efficiently :D

    Ideas for commands:
    /request or /ticket or /contactadmin or /contact or /oneatatime, then their message
    /answer or /reply (this might have some conflicts though with /msg), then your answer

    Ideas for permissions: oneatatime.sendrequest (or something like that)

    When I'd like it by: ASAHP, but no fret :p
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    If you're using essentials, /modreq is already built in. Otherwise, check out: ModReq

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    You are awesome :D. Sorry didn't see this!
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    Happy to help! :)


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