onCommand() cleaning up

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LRFLEW, Feb 24, 2011.

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    I am completely reworking my plugin and seeing what I can do to make it better, and I'm implementing onCommand(). I am trying to get better at making my code readable, and the onCommand() function is sticking out like a sore thumb (Edit: more like a large blob of unrecognizable jibber-jabber). Is there a way I can put onCommand() in a different class? Would I use "extends" somehow?
    --- merged: Feb 24, 2011 10:43 PM ---
    I just realized that I could in the onCommand() in my plugin class call a Command() in another class, but I still want to know if extends would work here.
    --- merged: Feb 24, 2011 10:56 PM ---
    Um... no it wont :p. Wow, the only person to post this tread both asked the question and answers it :p. Scratch this :p:p:p
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    Look how RCarretta does on DwarfCraft, quite awesome coding ;)
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