Odd server log comment: RTPONG++

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Liger_XT5, Apr 27, 2011.

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    I've noticed recently and I have no idea where it is coming from. There doesn't seem to be a pattern that I could tell.

    It doesn't happen after any particular command. Just every 60 seconds exact.


    rTriggers 1.5.2
    iConomy 4.65
    MonsterHunt 1.0.2
    BigBrother 1.8-SNAPSHOT
    Cleaner 1.7
    Unknown Command 1.3
    TimeAnnounce 1.1
    RemoteToolkitPlugin 0.31b
    Commands Logging 0.1
    iChat 2.2.2
    LWC 2.31
    Jail 0.6.1
    xWarp 2.9.2
    WolfPound 0.11
    RemoteToolkitPlugin 0.4b
    OddItem 0.6.5
    milkAdmin 2.6-03.30
    WolfSpawn 0.4
    MidiBanks 1.3
    MobBounty 2.01
    Landmarks 0.1
    TelePlusPlus 1.3.3
    PvP Control 1.5
    Towny 0.61
    dynmap 0.15
    Permissions 2.7
    BlastControl 1.0.4
    PumpkinDiver 0.16
    IOBookcase 1.32
    Lampstone 0.6
    SignColours 0.3
    DropChest 0.7.1
    Factions 1.1.4
    Growbie 2.3
    MobileAdmin 2.4.1
    iConomyChestShop 2.52
    Turnstile 1.5
    Tombstone 1.2.6
    Stats 0.985
    CommandBook 1.4.1-customized
    MultiInv 1.5.2
    MultiVerse 1.6.3
    LastSeen 1.1
    Achievements 0.981
  2. Offline


    It's from the heartbeat component of the Remote Toolkit.
    It's presence in the log is a side effect of the fact that bukkit logs everything on the standard output/error streams.

    I am currently exploring other methods of responding to heartbeat pings. If it is too much of a bother, set server-heartbeat-threshold in wrapper.properties to 0.
    Keep in mind that this will disable crash detection.
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