OcelotGames - Hunger Games/Hardcore Games

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ItzSweg, Apr 15, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: OcelotGames

    Suggested prefix: &6[OcelotGames] &2<message>. This a color code. The link to see the color codes are here: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/.

    What I want: A gamemode called the OcelotGames. Basically it is a gamemode where you right click a sign and you join in a waiting room. you aren't able to use any commands only /og leave. When the game gets atleast 10 players a timer starts to go off. If a player leaves and have less than ten. The timer stops and waits until 10 players join. It starts at 5 minutes. Once you join the game you are in an arena an admin created. You instantly get materials to either make a trap, tower, or to fight off other aponents. This is a soup-gamemode, which means soup regenerates 3.5 health. Players will have a compass item, which they can use to track the nearest player. There is a border at 500 blocks in any direction. If you cross this border you start taking 1.5 hearts, And you catch on fire. When you leave the fire runs out and you stop taking hearts. At around 10-20 minutes in the game, a feast spawns in random location at the arena spawn. The picture below is showing a preview of what feast looks like. This feast contains bows, arrows, health potions, strengh 1 potions, diamond armor, diamond swords, steak, cob webs, and tnt. At 30-40 minutes of the game you get teleported in a deathmatch where you can't break blocks, can't mine blocks, you can only fight. When a feast spawns in, the chests and enchantment table don't arrive yet. This allows players away from spawn be able to make it to feast before it is already raided. When a feast is spawned in at the 15-20 minute mark. It will say a message. Messages are down below. It notifies where the exact cords where the feast spawns. X,Y,Z. When you are the last alive you win the game. It thens teleports you to spawn.

    Ideas for commands:
    -=-=-=-Player Commands-=-=-=-
    /og leave - Leaves the arena and goes to spawn.
    /og spectate <PlayerName> - Must be dead to use this command.

    -=-=-=-Admin Commands-=-=-=-
    /og create <ArenaName> Creates a arena with the region you selected with world edit.
    /og delarena <ArenaName> - Deletes an arena.
    /og setlobby - Creates the lobby with the region you selected with world edit.
    /og setsign <ArenaName> - Sets a sign with the region you had with world edit
    /og setborder <ArenaName> <#> - Max is 500 blocks in each direction.
    /og forcefeast <ArenaName - You can force start feast
    /og forcedeath <ArenaName - You can force start deathmatch
    /og forcestart <ArenaName> - You can force start the game

    Sign Examples :Started Game

    Sign Examples2: Recruiting
    Ideas for permissions:

    [OcelotGames] <PlayerName> has joined. - A player joined the game
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 5 minutes. - Game starts in 5 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 4 minutes. - Game starts in 4 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 3 minutes - Game starts in 3 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 2 minutes - Game starts in 2 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 1 minute - Game starts in 1 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 30 seconds - Game starts in 30 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 10 seconds - Game starts in 10 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 5 seconds - Game starts in 5 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 4 seconds - Game starts in 4 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 3 seconds - Game starts in 3 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 2 seconds - Game starts in 2 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Game starts in 1 second
    [OcelotGames] The game started,Type /kit And choose your kit. - I already have a kit plugin. You can only use this command for 1 minute. No re picking kits.
    [OcelotGames] Grace period will end in 1 minute
    [OcelotGames] Grace period will end in 10 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Grace period ended
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 5 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 2 minutes
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 1 minute
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 30 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 10 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 5 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 4 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 3 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 2 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Feast will be spawned in at (X,Y,Z). Starting in 1 second
    [OcelotGames] Feast has spawned at (X,Y,Z).
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 1 minute
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 30 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 10 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 5 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 4 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 3 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 2 seconds
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch will start in 1 second
    [OcelotGames] Deathmatch started
    [OcelotGames] <Playername> Has won the OcelotGames! Congrats

    Personal Messages
    [OcelotGames] You created a arena - Using the command /og create
    [OcelotGames] You set a arena sign - Using the command /og setsign
    [OcelotGames] You created a lobby - Using the command /og setlobby
    [OcelotGames] You created a border - Using the command /og setborder
    [OcelotGames] You deleted a arena - Using the command /og delarena
    [OcelotGames] You force started <ArenaName>
    [OcelotGames] You force started feast on <ArenaName>
    [OcelotGames] You force started deathmatch on <ArenaName>
    [OcelotGames] you have joined <ArenaName>. - You joined the game.
    [OcelotGames] You left the game
    [OcelotGames] You are now spectating <PlayerName>

    Additional Information: Please comment if you can do this or not. That would be great!

    When I'd like it by: ASAP!

    Better picture of Feast.jpg
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