
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Samthelord1, Jan 1, 2015.

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    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO ... 13 more
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at me.samthelord1.tokens.Main.onCommand( ~[?:?]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.u( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.DedicatedServer.v( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.v( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.ServerConnection.c(SourceFile:134) [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NetworkManager.a( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.PacketPlayInChat.handle( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.PacketPlayInChat.a( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.PlayerConnection.a( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[craftbukkit_dev_3116.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks]
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'tokens' in plugin Tokens v1.0.0
    01.01 17:48:03 [Server] ERROR null
    getting this, line 94 in Main class;;

    Whole onCommand section;
       public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args){
       if(cmd.getLabel().equalsIgnoreCase("tokens")) {
           if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
              sender.sendMessage("You must be a player to perform this command!");
          if(sender instanceof Player) {
              if(args.length == 0) {
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "========[TokenShop]========");
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[TokenShop]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "</tokens balance> - Displays how many tokens you have.");
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[TokenShop]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "</tokens shop> - Opens the token shop.");
                  if(args.length >= 2) {
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "========[TokenShop]========");
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[TokenShop]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "</tokens balance> - Displays how many tokens you have.");
                  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[TokenShop]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "</tokens shop> - Opens the token shop.");
              if(args.length == 1) {
              Player p = (Player) sender;
              if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("balance")) {
                p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[TokenShop]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "you have " + getConfig().getInt("tokens." + p.getName()) + "."); 
              if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("shop")) {
       return true;
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    The error is on line 94 I think.. Try looking at it.. U should try putting return true; on the bottom of the end of the command.. Just a suggestion.. And did u make the menu? And correctly set the slots??
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    public void show(Player p) {
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    @drpk create inv here;
    public Inventory inv;

    add itemstacks to inv here;
    inv.setItem(0, sgapple);
    inv.setItem(1, lbow);
    inv.setItem(2, laxe);
    inv.setItem(3, lsword);
    inv.setItem(4, lshovel);
    inv.setItem(5, lpickaxe);
    inv.setItem(6, creeperegg);
    inv.setItem(7, hopper);
    inv.setItem(8, beacon);

    @drpk checked if !inv == null, still getting the error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
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    menu is null. Given the code you have provided and the stack trace, there can be no other cause.
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