NPC Packet per player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tyriek, May 23, 2016.

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    How can I make 7 packets (1 using pitch and yaw) spawn around every player that is logged in to my server from the time they log out? I need to know this so I can finish my anticheat! I need packet NPCs' to spawn in 7 places arond a player: 2 in the front, 2 on the sides, 2 in the back, and 1 above the players head! The one above the head uses yaw and pitch! Please help!
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    Use this packet to spawn Player at the XYZ you want, and assign each entity with specific IDs so that you know which entity was hit. (I.e 3000, 3001, 3002,). Using a packet listener *(such as protocol lib), test if you receive packets from a player saying any of those entities were damaged. If so, the player is most likely hacking.
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    Thanks! Ill use it right away!
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