Solved Notepad++ not formatting YAML files properly

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MysteryManX, Oct 24, 2012.

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    I was just editing my groups/permissions file, and when I checked it with a YAML parser, it failed? For some reason Notepad++ isn't formatting it correctly. I always use the return/enter key when moving to a new line..

    Any idea/suggestion why it could be doing this?

    File: formatting.png
  2. Offline


    This should work
    It was because you had tabbed over to add that permission. Yaml doesn't support that, you need to use the space bar, as annoying as it is.
  3. Offline


    Oh :( does that count for Shift + Enter too?
  4. Offline


    Not sure, never tried. I just know that I had a ton of troubles with pex before I realized that. Now all my permissions are in mysql so I don't have to worry about it :)
  5. Offline


    To change a tab (Whenever you press it, and autos);
    Settings > Preferences > Language Menu/Tab Settings > (Should look like this [​IMG])
    Check the box that says "Replace by space", click close, you can now tab or enter properly for YAML/YML
    MysteryManX and drtshock like this.
  6. Offline


    I always wondered if that was possible. I am very glad you posted that.
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    Any time! :D
  8. Offline


    Worked perfectly! Thank you good sir! Have a free cookie :3 *gives cookie*
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    [cake] > [​IMG]
    Anyway, mark as solved, please! ^^
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