Problem/Bug Not Respawning at Spawn

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dlndcrdso, Aug 7, 2018.

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    I use Essentials to /setspawn and Multiverse to manage worlds so I used that to /mv setspawn in the same place too. I made sure to setspawn for every group and it works (they can all /spawn to that location, no problem) but when someone dies or gets killed they don't respawn at the spawn I set, they respawn exactly where they died, instantly. This is pretty game breaking and I really need help as I don't know how to fix it or what I did wrong. (This may be unrelated but I would also like to know how to give people kits when they die). If anyone could help answer my questions that would be great. Thanks :)
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    @dlndcrdso What other plugins do you have?
    Also i think theres an option to make players spawn with a kit in the Essentials config.yml
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