Hey all, I am running a bukkit server with the following plugins: Essentials EssentialsGeoIP EssentialsXMPP GroupManager RealAdminTools Now non ops are not allowed to build (why?) and only ops are, I dont want to op some players, actually I want NO OPPING, I tried to search but I got lost on most threads, can someone please tell me what to edit? I went on for an hour and couldn't find a fix! Thanks! Ghost129er
There is a radius around the spawn point that's set in bukkit.yml that stops people building there to prevent griefing a spawn point with lava/water etc. Default appears to be 16 blocks, moving outside that should allow your users to build assuming you have moved them from the default group. GroupManager doesn't allow people in the default group to build by default
Ok, cool thanks havent tried that as I am in school, so can I have a heads up on how to edit groupManager or etc? Thanks Ghost
If you're op you can simply run Code: /manuadd <player> <group> to move the player into a new group, I think GroupManager automatically has the Builder group setup which is the next lowest group permission wise.