Not dying in Minecraft?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TheDiamondMinner, Jan 26, 2013.

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  1. Hello i recently installed the plugin scavenger. When you die you keep your stuff with the plugin. Since then I deleted the plugin. Yes i deleted ALL of the files. After doing so people still stay alive when they die. Here is the erroe message i get in bukkit log:MethodError:


    Yes, i have reloaded my server and restarted it. PLEASE Help me! Thanks, Thed
  2. Offline


    Hmm, well quite possibly it could be lag, or a plugin causing it, I recommend reinstalling ALL of your plugins, because the problem was MOST likely "Plugin Scavenger" and some files are probably hidden somewhere in your plugins directory. Reinstall all of your plugins (Which will be helpful either way) but make sure to save the config files that you need to save from each plugin.
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