Non-coding help wanted

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by coldandtired, Oct 26, 2011.

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    I've been writing the Spout plugin Admin GUI for a week or so now (in its current form) and it's pretty stable and useful now.

    The problem is that I don't actually spend much time playing Minecraft at the moment, and I'm too close to the project to see it objectively (and fed up with creating files full of "test 1, test 2, etc."). A few people have posted comments with suggestions, which I'm grateful for, and I want to research real-world usage.

    Basically, the way it works is that the GUI is generated from text files (with XML structure) that specify the buttons and commands that make up each screen. A very flexible menu structure is possible due to screens being able to link to each other in a couple of ways.

    For example, this in a text file:

    <screen label="Admin GUI">
        <button label="Set day" command="/time day"/>
        <button label="Go to..." command="/tp %player%"/>
        <button label="Set sunny" command="/weather sun"/>
        <button label="Kick" command="/kick %player%"/>
        <button label="Set night" command="/time night"/>
        <button label="Bring here..." command="/tpahere %player%"/>
        <button label="Set Creative" command="/gamemode %player% 1"/>
        <button label="Ban" command="/ban %player%"/>
        <button label="Teleport to..." command="/tppos %param% %param% %param%"/>
        <button label="Give" command="/give %player% %param% %param% %param%"/>
    generates this:


    All the buttons just act as aliases for other commands, so there's no need to code anything. Screens can have subscreens or link to any other screen in the menu so it's not limited to the buttons that fit on one screen. The player section isn't there on screens which don't need it so more space is available.

    What I'm asking for is:
    Screen files with a logical, useful structure. E.g. for a specific plugin (WorldEdit, Essentials, etc.)
    A better colour scheme than the one I made :(
    Any improvements to the BukkitDev page guide (what parts are too hard to follow, etc).

    So, if anyone wants to help out (you'll be credited of course) please let me know.
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