Plugin category: Items Suggested name: NoDrops What I want: I would like a plugin where you can simply not drop items. But, in a config.yml I want to be able to control whats not allowed to be dropped. Example: Items-not-allowed-dropped: - 1 - 5 - 7 And so on.. Ideas for commands: None needed, controlled by config.yml Ideas for permissions: nodrops.bypass - Bypass droppings of not allowed items to be dropped. When I'd like it by: ASAP please, lagging my server like crazy
@timtower Thanks, I'll try it now. [Edit] : @timtower The one I got isn't working and I can't config whats dropped and what isn't. Please could you link me to the one you mean?
@timtower Thats the one I went to, the config couldn't be edited for what I wanted people not dropping. [Edit] Only messages where editable in the config
@timtower I want a plugin where I can edit them in the config. Because I dont want a huge permissions file there is a lot of things I want blocked.
@Protom1234 I made this kind of plugin for someone a while back. Go to
@BlazingBroGamer Can you change this bit? This: ChatColor.WHITE + " You are not allowed to drop this item!"); To This: ChatColor.RED + " You are not allowed to drop this item!"); If you could that would be helpful, thanks. [Edit]: I edited the config to not drop pvp items like a helmet and 0ther. But, I want it to be able to drop the enchanted part to it. So example: Items: - '310' 0 Diamond Helmet. I wanted it so when I enchant this it will be allowed to drop it. Could you make this editable? So I can control what enchants can be dropped on what items.
Hey there, I took the time to make this plugin to your specifications. You can edit the message that players get when an item is blacklisted, and you can edit which items are blacklisted with a simple config. If you want to allow a player to bypass the blacklist, simply give them the: "nodrops.bypass" permission. Have fun! This was built with Bukkit 1.7.10. Let me know if you need some sort of tweak or adjustment to the plugin by tagging me in a reply. I won't see it otherwise.