No saplings dropping in Beta Build 1.2.3-RO.2

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 5tinger, Mar 26, 2012.

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    I don't know if there is a issue with the beta build but I noticed saplings are not dropping from any trees. The leaves are decaying though. Has anyone else experienced this?

    I'm running Beta Build 1.2.3-RO.2 build #2060
  2. Have you tried the latest dev build?
  3. Offline


    I just tried the latest dev build 2122. I should at least be seeing 1 sapling per tree, but still they are not dropping. Could a plugin be blocking this? I have multiverse, worldedit, worldguard, and commandbook and a few others that I doubt could be a culprit.
  4. Offline


    I am using that build and I spent a lot of time picking up all saplings that fell from leaves of new-grown jungle-trees (apparently the leaves are to far from the logs)
  5. Offline


    OK I disabled worldguard and saplings are dropping now. I dont see a setting in worldguard that is preventing saplings from falling from trees. Any thoughts on this?
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