No Drops

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DarkSynopsis, Jan 17, 2013.

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    When breaking blocks in my main world there does not appear to be any blocks dropping like if I break Grass I won't get the Dirt and happening for everything and I can't see why! I've disabled all plugins at one point and just ran standard bukkit and nothing though I have tried over worlds also while using Multiverse and works just fine in other worlds.

    Just tried CraftBukkit 1.4.7-R0.1 and same problem I have been using CraftBukkit 1.4.6-R0.3 since its launch and had no problems up untill a few days ago or so my friend who has been on the server while I've been off has told me.

    With it not being plugins and I doubt its Bukkit itself I can only assume its the world but can a world prevent stuff like that on its own? and can I fix it?

    Thanks for any help.
  2. Offline


    It may be that you are in Creative. If you are it does not drop items
  3. Offline


    Nope not in Creative deffo in Survival I've made sure of that a few times I've also made sure not in Adventure since I believe I read that can prevent a block from dropping.
  4. Offline


    Then it's probably a lag problem get your server more RAM or restart it.
  5. Offline


    Never had problem with lag in the past been running it for around a year same amount of RAM and drops appear to work in other worlds then the main world so does not appear to be lag.
  6. Offline


    try two things: 1) try a newly generated world without any plugins active, and 2) if that fails, reset player data. Also, you should verify that your settings inside the bukkit-core-files are correct.
  7. Offline


    New World and No Plugins works fine but as soon as I try my Old World with No Plugins no blocks drop still!

    Even with the Standard Minecraft Server I get the same problem so deffo something up with the world!
  8. Offline


    Im having the same exact problem, did you ever fix it?

    Edit: found what I think was your post on the mine craft forums. Fixed the problem.
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