No. BlockLogging. Plugins. Work. For. Me.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tissin, May 21, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I am sick of going through EVERY block logging plugin, and they all make my server crash every few hours.
    The ones that don't work are...
    -CoreProtect (Which I liked..)

    If anyone could direct me to another plugin for this, I would give them rep (if there is that on these forums)
  2. Offline


    I use LogBlock successfully on my server. What was the problem you were having? I might be able to give a hand.
  3. Offline


    I also use Logblock.

    I'm guessing his problem is he's logging stuff he doesnt need to be, causing overflow of RAM.
  4. Offline


    Another mention for logblock. You can disable the logging of certain things if your server is overloading. However; Logblock is not likely to crash your server because it has a queue system, and unless I am grossly misunderstanding how this works, it will not allow itself to process too many blocks at one time.

    p.s. Maybe they don't work because you put periods after every word in the configs?
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
  5. Offline


    Before it was BigBrother... now LogBlock is how life roles!
  6. There is also HawkEye, but I prefer LogBlock.
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