Solved NMS costum entity problem with eclipse

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by spiroulis, Aug 13, 2014.

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    Thirst of all, you need to import the jarfile in your project, just like you import Bukkit into your project. The redlines will dissapear. If they don't dissapear; hover over them and import what's needed. Notice; NMS is outdated.
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    spiroulis It errors because the tutorial is outdated (1.7.2), thus your code won't work with 1.7.9+
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    Jordymt i have the jarfile included :)
    fireblast709 oh kk so is there any tutorial for 1.7.9?
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    spiroulis You can look around in the resources section, I bet there is. But despite what I just said, it might actually be smarter to try to fix this yourself. Why? It will help you to understand NMS better, which allows you to update your code faster and without having to wait for a new tutorial to appear.
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