Solved New update checker?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by shades161, Jan 22, 2017.

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    Alright, so this is probably a stupid question, but I cannot seem to find the correct info for the life of me.
    Ever since Dev Bukkit moved, all of my plugin's update checkers broke. (The reason being is that the site no longer supports reading of the versions .rss feed, or the link moved/changed?).

    Anyway, I know curse has their API, but it requires a project ID and I can't seem to find it? Is it just the plugin's slug in the URL or is there some other ID hidden about? (because Curse's API docs specify numerical IDs in all of the examples).

    If someone could post the correct info or link to an updated tutorial or something that would be absolutely wonderful.

    Much appreciated, thank you so much!!!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    @timtower Thank you! No matter how much googling I did, I never found that.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @shades161 First page of reaources :p
    Please mark as solved
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  6. @shades161
    Pure guess, but maybe the name of the plugin after "/projects/" in the url?
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    Nope, its numerical. I tried that.
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    Yeah, that is exactly what I did, just didn't make a new post for it, I edited one of my previous ones.
    Thanks for the help though!
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