New Life Rule Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Mavly, Dec 9, 2017.

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    Simple plugin, its only job is to keep players from going back to the spot where they died for a certain amount of time

    the plugin would have two config options
    1.) Radius of the NLR boundary - how large should the radius be (the radius of the area they are not allowed to enter)
    2.) How long in seconds they are not allowed to enter the area.

    For example:
    If Player1 kills Player2 at the local bank, Player2 cannot go back to the local bank for X amount of time. He must stay X blocks away from where he died.

    If they try to enter the radius, they will be pushed back, and they will get a title screen warning in red letters something like "NLR: Do not enter this area for X seconds!"

    Contact me if possible to do!
  2. Offline


    I can do this. It should be ready in about a couple days.
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    Hello @Zombie_Striker the plugin did not successfully work! When I tested the player was killed and they returned to where to dead exactly on the coordinate and nothing happened :( Any fix? I'm using Spigot 1.12.2
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    Which version are you using? I uploaded an update yesterday. (Version 1.0.1)

    If you are using the newer version, and this still happens, can you post the console logs?
  7. Offline


    I am using the 1.0.1 version, and I cannot disclose my console logs due to privacy reasons, could you test it on a server? Also this is all it says 05:42:41 [Server] INFO [NewLifeRule] Loading NewLifeRule v1.0.1
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    I have tested it, and it does work. However, I found a bug where multiple deaths that happen close together can cancel the push-back, which has been fixed in the 1.0.2 update.

    If the issue still occurs in 1.0.2, if I can't see the console logs, then I need to know if there are any errors, if the newliferules is enabled, and if there are any plugins that may cause conflicts (such as anti-cheat plugins)
  9. Offline


    The plugin works! Thank you so much for all of your work! I am under your service xD
  10. Offline


    @Zombie_Striker you should add in text to every time someone runs into there little nlr zone, example:
    [NLR] You have died here, you can re-enter this area in: (configurable time left)

    Also I haven't tried it yet, but... if someone dies at there /home will they be able to teleport back? If they can't, can a message pop up saying [NLR] You can not teleport here, you can in: (configurable time left)

    I know, not my plugin request, but I feel as if that'll benefit everyone..
  11. Offline


    @Mavly @Blooby
    I've just updated the plugin. There is now a visible particle sphere around the location where the player has died. Also, if you delete the config, a configurable message will be sent to the player if they try to go to the place they died.
    Blooby likes this.
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