New help service coming soon- PBG-NETWORK

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by abdel, Jun 19, 2012.

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    Welcome to the PBG Network we keep track of server uptime and server mangment for expamle, Plugin setups,Server installs,Server status and much more.
    We try to offer the best service for your gaming community by offering you a wide range of hosting supplyers with special offers like you can see on our website.
    We hope you enjoy and find our network helpfull and sufficient for all your gaming need's..

    Here is all the plans we offer at the current time we offer support and complete server monitoring with some plans.We do plugin installs at a limit per plan as stated we only install 10 plugins for the starter plan and 20 for basic.Plans with * will exclude essentials and plugins that require extra .jars..,Team viewer Disclaimer.

    We offer support witch allow us to remotely install and complete support with out the hassle. We also Provide support on other remote applications such us TeamViewer and Logmein Services to fit your preference..
    Supported games

    • Minecraft.
    • Call of duty 4.
    • call of duty world at war.
    • Battel field 3.
    • grand theft auto san andreas.

    Basic $0.50-£0.50
    ultimate $1.50-£1.50
    Plugin install's Up to 10 installs * Up to 20 installs * Up to 50 installs *
    Server monitoring Limited monitoring Normal monitoring Full monitoring
    Complete Support Lite support Lite support Full support
    Server Directroy Basic Basic Basic
    Remote support Limited Limited Full support
    $0.50 - £0.50
    $1.50 - £1.50
    We will be accepting order next month all tho we are accepting trial users.​
    Thanks for reading this post we hope to help you soon.​
    system administrator ​
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