Hi, I'm updating a old broken plugin with the old config system to the new config system. But I don't understand the new config system after reading different guides. I've a few questions: How do I update this code in the new config system? Code: plugin.conf.removeProperty((new StringBuilder("test.")).append(key).toString()); Error that I get: The method removeProperty(string) is undefined for the type Configuration Code: plugin.conf.saveConfig(); Error that I get: The method saveConfig() is undefined for the type Configuration Code: plugin.conf.setProperty((new StringBuilder("test.")).append(key).append(".test1").toString(), test1); Error that I get: The method setProperty(string, string) is undefined for the type Configuration Code: return plugin.conf.getProperty((new StringBuilder("test.")).append(x).append("_").append(y).append("_").append(z).toString()) != null; Error that I get: The method getProperty(string) is undefined for the type Configuration Can somebody help me? Thanks
Well the new system doesnt use the Configuration class it uses FileConfiguration. Get the FileConfiguration for your plugin by calling the following method: "plugin.getConfig();" Then "plugin.getConfig().getString("path.to.string);" to get a string from your config file
For removing a 'property' from the config, want you want to do is to set it to null. An example: Code:java plugin.getConfig().set("path.path", null);plugin.saveConfig(); Which also answers the saving question (use plugin.saveConfig()) and also the setting property (replace null with the value you want to set it to). To get a value it would be For a String: plugin.getConfig().getString("path.path"); For an Int: plugin.getConfig().getInt("path.path"); For a boolean: plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("path.path"); and so on
Ok, thanks it works I've again a few questions how do I fix this: Code: if(plugin.conf.getKeys("fabrics") != null) The method getKeys(boolean) in the type ConfigurationSection is not applicable for the arguments (String) Code: for(Iterator iterator = plugin.conf.getKeys("test").iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator<E> should be parameterized The method getKeys(boolean) in the type ConfigurationSection is not applicable for the arguments (String) Code: test = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); HashMap is a raw type. References to generic type HashMap<K,V> should be parameterized Type safety: The expression of type HashMap needs unchecked conversion to conform to Map<Object,Object> Type safety: Unchecked invocation synchronizedMap(HashMap) of the generic method synchronizedMap(Map<K,V>) of type Collections Code: static Map fabrics; Map is a raw type. References to generic type Map<K,V> should be parameterized Thanks
Yes, I know. But I've said to a friend that I'll update this plugin for him and this are the last error where I can't come out.