Hello, i got an idea for a plugin (and i need it to my server, too). Plugin category: Economy (?) Minecraft version: Bukkit 1.11.2 Suggested name: Networks What I want: I want plugin, where players (with permission) can create networks and profit from it and players can join (can join intantly, or must be invited - owner of network can set) and profit from it. More players = more money for owner and players in network. There also will be a network bank - players can donate and owner will pay them for theirs merits (by playing time they will have bigger XP in network and bigger XP = more profiting network). Level of network will be increased by bigger XP. When player leave network, his XP will be deleted from network (money not). GUI for it, where will be bank where players can donate 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 money (Economy plugin, Vault), list of players in network (Player name, last online time, his XP that he collected and how much money he donated, for officers - they can kick him from network, for owners - they can give him money), button for switching from open to close network (open = anyone can join (after approval), close = must be invited by owner or officers), leave network, remove network (only owners), info about network and list of invited players and players that requested to join. Local.yml, i really need to translate it to czech language https://pastebin.com/amNU5Gxs messages: https://pastebin.com/PJRFLddJ (Example, you can create own) Ideas for commands: /network - basic command (open GUI) /network help - help command /network join <name> - join command (can join only when he is invited, else display error) /network leave - leave network (must confirm by /network confirm) /network create <name> - create network /network invite <player> - invite player - only for officers and more /network request <network> - request to join /network delete <network> - delete network - only for owner (must confirmy by /network confirm) /network confirm - confirm command Ideas for permissions: network.gui - /network network.help - /network help network.join - /network join network.leave - /network leave network.create - /network create network.request - /network request network.del - /network delete network.confirm - /network confirm When I'd like it by: soon as possible Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english.
No, i dont want clans + Factions isnt that what i want + i have bad experience with it. + network chat, command: /nchat, permission: network.chat thx EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.