Negative Permissions with Vault?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DanielRH, Feb 19, 2013.

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    I am building the towny wars plugin, and realized theres a semi major exploit that is possible currently. I would like to patch this exploit but do not know how.

    So i am integrating with towny, and during a war, i want to be able to make it so that nations cannot kick towns. I assume the best way to go about this was to simply remove the permission. Well, towny has a master permission node that includes all the other more specific permission nodes and i need to be able to remove one of the specific nodes.

    My question is this, are there negative permission nodes for all of vaults permission plugins? And if so, what do they look like, and do they override an allowed permission node?

    If i cannot remove the specific permission because theres a master permission node, i want to be able to block/unblock the specific permission node.

    Any way to go about doing this?

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    This is a Vault question, you should ask in the Vault forums.
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    Vault doesn't manage any permissions and the API doesn't handle negative permissions. Some plugins may properly translate a negative permission if you attempt to apply it through Vault's permission methods but the result can not be gauranteed.
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