Need some info... Plugin Load event, Plugin memory allocation

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by boduzapho, Jan 28, 2012.

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    1. Is there a way to get access to and even when a plugin is loaded (/rl)
    2. When it loads does it stay in memory or load for each use?

    I am looking for a way to keep a static string that can be recalled every time someone uses my plugin in game, is there a way to do it without using the File system? My only other option is a db query in the enable event, which would waste a lot of bandwidth and cause serious lag.

    Any advice is appreciated!

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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    I am slightly confused what you plan to do. If you have a constant string, then it can be in the source code. If it is something that can be changed and needs to be recalled past the destruction of your class' class object then it will need to be stored either on disk or in a database. (with the database not the way to go, unless you plan on having another way of interacting with it.
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    Well, not to be rude, but what I plan to do has nothing to do with it so, the question remains.

    For my own reasons, I have ruled out DB and flat files.

    Now moving past that.. I'll ask again, if when a plugin loads, can that event be hooked and have a static variable that can be accessed by anyone who uses the plugin on the same server. If not it's fine but it would be helpful.

    Thanks for your input.
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