Need help with teleportation

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by broodjeparkiet, May 1, 2012.

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    Hey i am using Essentials on my server how can i delete the command /back
    and how can i made that /home and /spawn takes 10 secs to work?
  2. Offline


    you are only interested in what is bold here

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Essentials (Global) | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
    ops-name-color: '6'

    # The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
    nickname-prefix: '~'

    # Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
    change-displayname: true

    # When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
    # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
    change-playerlist: true

    # Adds the prefix and suffix to the displayname of the player, so it will be displayed in messages and lists.
    # The prefix/suffix can be set using Permissions, Group Manager or PermissionsEx.
    # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
    # If you don't set this, it will default to true if essentials chat is installed.
    # Don't forget to remove the # infront of the line
    #add-prefix-suffix: false

    # The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
    teleport-cooldown: 0

    # The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
    teleport-delay: 0

    # The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after he has been teleported by a command
    # This will also prevent that the player can attack other players
    teleport-invulnerability: 0

    # The delay, in seconds, required between /heal attempts
    heal-cooldown: 60

    # What to prevent from /i /give
    # e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 46,11,10

    # Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules
    # Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
    # Permissions:
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
    # - essentials.give.item-all
    # - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
    # - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
    permission-based-item-spawn: false

    # Mob limit on spawnmob
    spawnmob-limit: 10

    # Shall we notify users when using /lightning
    warn-on-smite: true

    # motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt

    # When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take
    # priority. If a command is in this list, Essentials will try to give ITSELF priority. This does not always work:
    # usually whichever plugin was updated most recently wins out. However, the full name of the command will always work.
    # For example, if WorldGuard and Essentials are both enabled, and WorldGuard takes control over /god, /essentials:god
    # will still map to Essentials, whereas it might normally get forced upon WorldGuard. Commands prefixed with an "e",
    # such as /egod, will always grant Essentials priority.
    # We should try to take priority over /god. If this doesn't work, use
    # /essentials:god or /egod. If god is set using WorldGuard, use /ungod to remove then use whichever you see fit.
    - god

    # Disabled commands will be completely unavailable on the server.
    # - nick
    - mail
  3. Offline


    thanks for your help but where can i find this text file?

    the text in that file is very different then zero posted i copied the text in the file and now the commands dont work at all

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2018
    ZeroZX4 likes this.
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    It's in the Essentials-folder in the plugins-folder. It's called "config.yml".
  5. Offline


    than upload your config file i fix it and reupload it for you
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  8. Offline


    thanks man it works you are awesome for helping random people
  9. Offline


    open config.yml of essentials and hold left ctrl and hit F to trigger search

    now put 1 of this there to find them and change time at your will
    (anyway they r next to each other)




    and search this

    to add some commands to blacklist
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