Need help with PEX permisions.yml

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by winsdor2252, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    ok i have created a permissions file for pex but when i load it i am getting errors in the console i think my spacing is off somewhere or i have missed something this is my first time using PEX and could use some help solving the issue here is my code

    1. groups:
    2. Trainee:
    3. default: true
    4. permissions:
    5. - group.Trainee
    6. - paidranks.normal.Trainee
    7. - rankup.rankup
    8. - notaro.afk
    9. inheritance:
    10. options:
    11. rank: 1
    12. prefix: '&fTrainee&r '
    13. build: true
    14. suffix: '&7'
    15. Private:
    16. default: false
    17. permissions:
    18. - group.private
    19. - paidranks.normal.Private
    20. - rankup.rankup
    21. inheritance:
    22. - Trainee
    23. options:
    24. rank: 10
    25. prefix: '[&9Private&f]'
    26. build: false
    27. suffix: '&f'
    28. Corporal:
    29. default: false
    30. permissions:
    31. - group.Corporal
    32. - paidranks.normal.Corporal
    33. - rankup.rankup
    34. inheritance:
    35. - Private
    36. options:
    37. rank: 12
    38. prefix: '&3Corporal&r '
    39. build: true
    40. suffix: '&7'
    41. Sergeant:
    42. default: false
    43. permissions:
    44. - group.Sergeant
    45. - paidranks.normal.Sergeant
    46. - rankup.rankup
    47. inheritance:
    48. - Corporal
    49. options:
    50. rank: 14
    51. prefix: '&7Sergeant&r '
    52. build: true
    53. suffix: '&7'
    54. WarrantOfficer:
    55. default: false
    56. permissions:
    57. - group.WarrantOfficer
    58. - paidranks.normal.WarrantOfficer
    59. - rankup.rankup
    60. inheritance:
    61. - Sergeant
    62. options:
    63. rank: 16
    64. prefix: '&8Warrant Officer&r '
    65. build: true
    66. suffix: '&7'
    67. Lieutenant:
    68. default: false
    69. permissions:
    70. - group.Lieutenant
    71. - paidranks.normal.Lieutenant
    72. - rankup.rankup
    73. inheritance:
    74. - WarrantOfficer
    75. options:
    76. rank: 18
    77. prefix: '&bLieutenant&r '
    78. build: true
    79. suffix: '&7'
    80. Captain:
    81. default: false
    82. permissions:
    83. - group.Captain
    84. - paidranks.normal.Captain
    85. - rankup.rankup
    86. inheritance:
    87. - Lieutenant
    88. options:
    89. rank: 20
    90. prefix: '&cCaptain&r '
    91. build: true
    92. suffix: '&7'
    93. Major:
    94. default: false
    95. permissions:
    96. - group.Major
    97. - paidranks.normal.Major
    98. - rankup.rankup
    99. inheritance:
    100. - Captain
    101. options:
    102. rank: 25
    103. prefix: '&dMajor&r '
    104. build: true
    105. suffix: '&7'
    106. Colonel:
    107. default: false
    108. permissions:
    109. - group.Colonel
    110. - paidranks.normal.Colonel
    111. - rankup.rankup
    112. inheritance:
    113. - Major
    114. options:
    115. rank: 30
    116. prefix: '&cColonel&r '
    117. build: true
    118. suffix: '&7'
    119. General:
    120. default: false
    121. permissions:
    122. - group.General
    123. - paidranks.normal.General
    124. - rankup.rankup
    125. inheritance:
    126. - Colonel
    127. options:
    128. rank: 20
    129. prefix: '&5General&r '
    130. build: true
    131. suffix: '&7'
    132. VIP:
    133. default: false
    134. permissions:
    136. inheritance:
    137. - General
    138. options:
    139. rank: 20
    140. prefix: '[&6VIP&6]'
    141. build: false
    142. suffix: '&6'
    143. Moderator:
    144. default: false
    145. permissions:
    146. - rankup.rankup
    148. inheritance:
    149. - vip
    150. - g:bukkit_moderator
    151. options:
    152. rank: 7
    153. prefix: '[&2Chat-Mod&2]'
    154. build: true
    155. suffix: '&2'
    156. Admin:
    157. default: false
    158. permissions:
    159. - notaro.*
    160. inheritance:
    161. - moderator
    162. - vip
    163. - g:bukkit_admin
    164. - g:towny_admin
    165. options:
    166. rank: 6
    167. prefix: '[&4Admin&4]'
    168. build: true
    169. suffix: '&4'
    170. Head-Admin:
    171. default: false
    172. permissions:
    173. - rankup.rankup
    174. - group.Head-Admin
    175. - notaro.*
    176. inheritance:
    177. - admin
    178. - vip
    179. - g:bukkit_admin
    180. - g:towny_admin
    181. options:
    182. rank: 5
    183. prefix: '[&4Head-Admin&4]'
    184. build: true
    185. suffix: ''
    186. default: false
    187. permissions:
    188. - notaro.*
    189. inheritance:
    190. - admin
    191. - vip
    192. - g:bukkit_admin
    193. - g:towny_admin
    194. options:
    195. rank: 4
    196. prefix: '&1[&1Security&1]&1'
    197. build: false
    198. suffix: ''
    200. default: false
    201. permissions:
    202. - rankup.rankup
    203. - group.HEAD-SECURITY
    204. - notaro.*
    205. inheritance:
    206. - admin
    207. - vip
    208. - g:bukkit_admin
    209. - g:towny_admin
    210. options:
    211. rank: 3
    212. prefix: '[&5HEAD-SECURITY&5]'
    213. build: true
    214. suffix: ''
    215. CoOwner:
    216. default: false
    217. permissions:
    218. - rankup.rankup
    219. - essentials.invsee.preventmodify
    220. - essentials.kits.*
    221. - essentials.kits.member
    222. -
    223. - essentials.vanish.interact
    224. - factions.admin
    225. - group.owner
    226. - notaro.*
    227. inheritance:
    228. - HEAD-SECURITY
    229. options:
    230. rank: 2
    231. prefix: '&4[&1Co&5-&9O&5W&6N&2E&4R]&4'
    232. build: true
    233. suffix: '&f'
    234. default: false
    235. permissions:
    236. - rankup.rankup
    237. - essentials.invsee.preventmodify
    238. - essentials.kits.*
    239. - essentials.kits.member
    240. -
    241. - essentials.vanish.interact
    242. - factions.admin
    243. - group.owner
    244. - notaro.*
    245. inheritance:
    246. - admin
    247. options:
    248. rank: 1
    249. prefix: '&4[&9O&5W&6N&2E&4R]&4'
    250. build: true
    251. suffix: '&6'
  2. Offline


    Are you adding the permissions in manually? I don't suggest you do what with PEX because it could corrupt the file. Add the permissions via the pex command so you know that they are not going to corrupt the file.
  3. Offline


    adding all the perms in manually that are in the file will be a pain as i have lots of perms to do

    plus im trying to keep my server online and running untill i switch to PEX i have 250 ppl online right now and cant shut the server down to manually do these perms so i am wanting to create the file drop it in and restart the server
  4. Offline


    Well you don't need to shut the server down, in fact that won't work. It will probably be an inconvenience to them. However, if you do have 250 people on and you want to add them manually, look for issues that you may have created while creating them manually:
    • Extra Spaces
    • Not enough spaces
    • Tabs instead of spaces
    If that doesn't work please paste the error in console so I can see what exactly is the problem and we can pinpoint it.
  5. Offline


    2013-07-30 16:02:33 [SEVERE] Error occurred with PermissionsEx! Please post it to' ++++++build:+true ++++++suffix:+'&6' ``` §r. Full error:
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.file.FileEntity.getNode(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.file.FileEntity.<init>(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.file.FileUser.<init>(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.FileBackend.getUser(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionManager.getUser(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionManager.getUser(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.performCheck(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.checkPermission(
    at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.superperms.PermissiblePEX.hasPermission(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.entity.CraftHumanEntity.hasPermission(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.t(
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.DedicatedServer.t(
    at net.minecraft.server.v1_6_R2.MinecraftServer.s(

    or look at the error log here

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    did read the post above
  8. Offline


    Yeah I noticed =P You ninja'd me.
  9. Offline


    heck i dont even have op perms lol im having to do any permissions from console when i tried it last night
  10. Offline


    Yeah, probably the easiest way to go about this is adding permissions in-game through the PEX command.
  11. Offline


    ok i found the issue with the orginal file it is loaded and working now. I had a permissions section mis spaced

    but now the prefixes are not showing up in chat i am using essentials chat

    they were showing and working with group manager now that i switched to PEX they are not showing but they are in the config
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    yea i dont want pex chat

    maybe i should make this clearer

    i switched from usng group manager permissions to

    Permissions EX today and the groups wont show
  14. Offline


    I was suggesting you change essentials chat out for pexchat and see if that made your prefixes show.

    And by groups you mean prefixes? I'm a little tired so maybe I'm reading this wrong but if you're trying to get prefixes to show and essentialschat isn't working for you then why not to pexchat to see if that would make them show?
  15. Offline


    ok prefixes are now showing but not in color how do i resolve this issue
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