Need help with NMS

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Brendyn Todd, Jun 8, 2014.

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    Brendyn Todd

    Greetings all,

    I've just recently picked up NMS for a plugin I am creating. I need to know how I can change a players max health using NMS.

    Is it possible and if so how can it be done?
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    You shouldnt need to use NMS to set a players max health. Bukkit has a Player.setMaxHealth method. e.g.

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    But you need NMS if you want to get it above 20
    I have the same question really
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    Yea nms is not needed from my understanding its even possible to use setMaxHealth(Integer.MAX_VALUE); if I'm correct but haven't checked myself.
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    If you really want to use NMS, try this:
    1. ((CraftPlayer)player).getHandle().getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.a).setValue(maxHealth);
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    Or give them health boost?
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