Need help with GroupManager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tooncool64, Apr 11, 2014.

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    Ok, there is a number of issues!
    1. How do i permenatly add myself to the admin group? Becuase when i log off, it resets my rank. Also, it says there is not a file for my world so it uses my defualt file (Witch is not my defualt file...)
    2. How do i add permission nodes to GlobalGroups.yml
    3. How do i add people to ranks?
    4. When i op myself through the server API, it still wont let me do all the commands.
    5. It wont let me edit the spawnpoint!

    If you need, I can use pastebin. Just tell me the files i need to put in pastebin.
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    1. Post your startup log and config. and also your MAIN worlds groups and users file.
    2. Why dont you add to the groups file in your main world??? its eaiser.
    3. Do /manuadd <player> <group>
    4. When you op yourself make sure to make sure self the higest rank because of this part in GROUPMANAGER CONFIG:
        # With this enabled anyone set as op has full permissions when managing GroupManager
        # The user will be able to promote players to the same group or even above.
        opOverrides: true
    5. If you have essentials spawn do /setspawn and /setspawn NEWBIES
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    Thanks, bu ti got it figured out!
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