Need help setting up my permissions. [PAID]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by NCShaffer, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Ok, ive tried EVERYTHING! No matter what i cant get my permissions to work. Is there someone who can setup permissions and iChat for me? Please i really need it.

    Ranks i need in order, also need prefixes for iChat:
    Guest: No Building
    Member: Building
    Trusted: Building
    VIP: Building
    Support: Building
    Staff: Building
    Moderator: Building
    Admin: Building
    Owner: Building
    Founder: Building

    Ill look up the permissions for my plugins and do that, but i need someone for the rest. Whoever does this will get some money on paypal. (I'm not sure how much, but I promise i will pay.) If your willign to do it for free, ill give you VIP on my server for being such a great person.

    Thank you, looking forward to seeing the kind people who will help a beginner.

    Please guys im begging here, i need help very badly.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  2. Offline


    PM me a detailed list of things you want each rank to be able to do and each plugin your using please ;)
  3. Offline


    i can do it NOW!! xD

    would Group Manager and Essentials Chat be fine? but I can do iChat

    i will also need all your plugins you are using. e.g essentials cause im gunna have to put in the permission nodes

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  4. Offline


    Fx how much do you want for it? Im also pming nala to see how much he wants.
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