NEED help server lag

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xmasterpumax, Aug 25, 2012.

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    Hello my name is xmasterpumax i have a server and i have so many lag with 16 users

    - Server Specs: -
    - 6 GB Ram
    - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.40GHz (8 Cores)
    - 60Slots
    - version:


    every time someone enter to the server the cpu increases by 60% and then down to normal use but users coming every 3 seconds and that gives too much lag

    what is the problem?


    essentials chat
    essentials spawn
    tree assist
    world edit
    world guard

    every time someone enter to the server the cpu increases by 60% and then down to normal use but users coming every 3 seconds and that gives too much lag

    what is the problem?
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    Try removing plugins one at a time until you figure it out. Start with the most processor/ram intensive plugins and the ones that are the least essential to your server.
  3. Offline


    OK I remove the some plugins and the lag still. Please Help me PD:the server was perfect but one day to another one began to have lagged and had not installed any plugin that day
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    Actium Praetor

    What specific Bukkit build are you using?
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    Actium Praetor

    First question is what are you using as the server startup command? That'll tell us how much memory you are allocating to the Java VM. Assuming you're giving Java enough RAM, I'd get some regular users to help test it with no plugins.
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    have the server in volt-host and no have startup command
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    Actium Praetor

    That might make it tough to eliminate memory as a potential cause. Okay, plan B - how well does it run with no plugins and say a dozen users?
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    I repeat the problem here is the cpu not ram.

    When someone enters the cpu increases 60% and then goes into a normal 17%
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    Actium Praetor

    If you're running the server on Windows, virtual-memory concerns in particular can trigger the OS to resize the swpafile, which will momentarily spike the CPU and hang whatever process was most busy at the time. This would be why the first thing I did with Actium's game servers (which run on Windows Server 2008 R2) was lock the swapfile size to half a gigabyte and disable dynamic resizing. Of course, this does not apply to servers running on Linux.

    That said, I'd still test with no plugins and see if the issue persists. If not, re-add the plugins one at a time and retest between each addition, and you'll find which plugin is hogging processor time.
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    The server is running on linux and i reinstalled the plugins and the lag still

    the first tie i get the lag was in bukkit upgrade to the 1.3.1 r.1.0
  12. Offline

    Actium Praetor

    Next suggestion then would be to grab the 1.3.2 beta build of Bukkit and give that a whirl, as folks have reported an improvement in their lag issues with the latest round of Bukkit builds.
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    ok the problem is the authme but how i can change it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
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