**=== Job For Coders ===** If you know how to code this kind of material please PM me on myaccount. You will get a reward if you do and help me in future projects**== About the Plugin ==**Death Bridge was a gamemode that my friend and I made up while playing on a LAN world. The point of this game isthat there is one long big wall that you have that you can build off of. We found the middle of that wall and put a line of gold blocks down the middle.Then we gave ourselves 10-15 minutes to build a base and a bridge leading to the middle of the wall. When we were done building we put a command block(message block) that if we got to each other bases and stepped on the plate it would say who won the game!**== Plugin Development ==**This plugin is currently being developed and will be released this summer (June or July).Plugin will always be up to date with the latest bukkit. In the plugin when you win you will be given a specified ammount of money in the config.yml once it comes.**== Planned Commands ==*** /db start* /db end* /db enable <arena>* /db disable <arena>**== Planned Features ==*** Lobby Signs* Start game announcement* Winner announcement* Join arena message
I'm a bit confused, if the plugin is being developed with enough progress that you can have an estimated release date, why do you need a dev?
Yeah don't get me wrong, as Gawdzahh said, it sounds pretty cool. Just a tad confused, doesn't sound like you need a dev, in fact this doesn't even sound like a request, really. :S
Sorry I have not gotten back to this thread. I meant to update this thread Friday. I do have a Developer for this plugin but now there is another plugin I'm hoping someone can develop. Sorry for the confusion.