I was wondering if anyone could make a plugin that looks and act similar to mcpixelmasters quest plugin
XeCorrupt Please provide full details about the plugin. Nobody on here will be able to make a plugin based of that.
hmm well first i want it to be able to click on a sign and it will ask the user do you want to accept this quest, also i want it to be able for me to config it to make my own quests and make it so they can either click on the sign or do a command to accept the quest. ie 1 quest is get a stack of wood, you can either do a command ie like quest accept(quest name) and you can either turn it in by it taking the items out of your inventory or you can go back to the place where you accepted it and click on the sign, i would like that to be configuable through multiple worlds if possiable. and i want it to list all the quest available, and keep track of the quest you have done and to be able to only hold one quest at a time ie if you have a quest already and you try to accept a new one, it will say you can only have one quest at a time. also i want it to bea able to display by command the stats of the quest ie if you need to catch 10 fish it will say "you have caught 1 out of 10 fish, want that to be able to update as the player does the requirments of each quest. i want it to be able to cancel a quest or drop it, and want it to be able to show a stats for each quest ie if you doing the fish one and you want to see whats the next one is all about you would do /quest(quest name)stats, that will tell you the next quest requirments. and want it to be fully configable if you can do it or have any other questions about this you can pm me or ill add you on skype and will explain more if you need more info
XeCorrupt All conversation must be kept on the thread. Skype and PM aren't allowed. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/quests/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/quest-world/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/epicquest/