Need a Developer

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DrResilience, Apr 28, 2012.

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    So I have a pretty decent server and also have been owning another server for quite some time, and I am at the point where I really need plugin help. I don't ask to develop plugins all the time, only when I really need them which is rare. However I do need one right now. If you are interested message me on skype. Make sure you have some experience and you know what you are doing, I ask for really good plugins. My skype username is dr.resilience.

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    Hi i'm Beginner plugin developer but i learn Java from December, what you need in plugin?
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    Well I recommend adding me on skype, but the plugin is where nobody can talk or use a command right near the spawn in like a 3 block radius and it says like must walk 3 blocks to use commands and talk. This will completely stop spam bots. Make sure to add me on skype for further info. Thanks!
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    You're not allowed to offer paid incentives for plugins on here. Just an fyi.
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    If you do get this done would you mind posting it to me?
    Or i can ask on of my Server Developers to do it ;)
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    Well, I dunno about you guys but...
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    Codename_b is already doing it for him RjSowden
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