NBT data with ItemStacks?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RingOfStorms, Nov 7, 2012.

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    So I have a plugin that saves an inventory in player.yml. All it does is saves an ItemStack list. However, it keeps everything ItemStack wise, but I loose any custom names/NBT data edits. Am I going to have to save the NBT data for each item and the ItemStack info, or is there an easier way?
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    data.set("Inventory", util.itemArrayToList(tempInv.getContents()));

    I just converted the ItemStack[] from Inventory.getContents to a list. ItemStack will save things like enchantments, dura, dmg, etc. But NBT data is not part of it yet.
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    You could try InventoryIO, it lets you save an inventory as a yml file, and load the file back as an inventory.
    To you it you would do something like this:
    /*returns true if successfully saved or false otherwise*/
    boolean saved = InventoryIO.savePlayerInventoryTo("PlayerName", new java.io.File(getDataFolder(), "FileName"));
    /*returns a new instance of org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory or null if there was an error*/
    org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory inv = InventoryIO.loadPlayerInventoryFrom(new java.io.File(getDataFolder(), "FileName"));
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