Filled NameMC like reward

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by FireFlies, Nov 14, 2017.

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    Minecraft version: 1.8.8

    Plugin name: NameMCReward

    Description: This plugin is simple, essentially a command needs to be executed for the player when he/she likes the server on NameMC (

    Another command needs to be executed if the player chooses to "unlike" the server.

    When using /namemc:

    - "&8&m------------------------------"
    - "&6Like us on &aNameMC &6in order to receive exclusive rewards &7[&e&lClick here&7]"
    - ""
    - "&cNOTE&7: &fThere may be a delay after you have liked the server, rest assured you will eventually receive the reward."
    - "&8&m------------------------------"

    If a player already redeemed the reward and executes /namemc:
    "&cYou already redeemed the exclusive reward for liking the server on &7NameMC&c."

    When a player receives the reward:
    "&7You liked the server on &dNameMC &7and received your reward."

    When a player loses the reward because he "unliked":
    - "&cYou unliked the server on &7NameMC &cand therefore your reward was taken away."
    - "&cUse &7/namemc &cto redeem it once again."

    /broadcast when someone likes the server on NameMC:
    - "&d[name] &7liked the server on &dNameMC &7receiving an exclusive reward."
    - "Use &d/namemc &7for more information."

    That's it! Thank you very much in advance.
    Blessings and bliss,

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FireFlies I can look into this, they are nice enough to provide a good API for it.
    Checks can't be instant though. Probably on join and timed alongside that.
    FireFlies likes this.
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    Thank you very much @timtower , I forgot to add, perhaps you could add customizable messages so players know what's going on during each step and the main command is /namemc

    There is this plugin which is discontinued, the source is available:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I don't do fixed messages anymore anyways ;) So that won't be an issue.
    Could you write the actions where you want a message for?
    And there is no need for a command is there?
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    Ah thank god, messages are one of those things I absolutely love to customize.

    Using /namemc would give more information about what to do, what will happen, and a clickable message going to the link to the server's NameMC page.

    - "&8&m------------------------------"
    - "&bLike us on &aNameMC &bin order to receive exclusive rewards &7[&e&lClick here&7]"
    - "&cNOTE&7: &fThere may be a delay after you have liked the server, rest assured you will eventually receive the reward."
    - "&8&m------------------------------"

    You could add a message when a player receives the reward:
    "&7You liked the server on &aNameMC &7and received your reward."

    And when a player loses the reward because he "unliked":
    "&cYou unliked the server on &7NameMC &cand therefore your reward was taken away."

    Perhaps a /broadcast could occur when someone likes the server on NameMC such as:
    "&d[name] &7liked the server on &dNameMC &7receiving an exclusive reward. Use &d/namemc &7for more information. "

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FireFlies NameMcLikeMe, link is in my signature.
    Not added the command yet.
    Time in the config is in seconds.
    This plugin is untested as I don't have an account on there and am too lazy to make one.
    Let me know if it works correctly please.
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    Fantastic, thank you very much. I will test this right now.

    Just to clarify, the URL section in the config is the server's URL on NameMC correct? For me it would be this for example:

    Also, when can I expect to receive the reward? Should I relog?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FireFlies I derped around the url part, never checked the player. Redownload please.
    In your case this:
    And relog or ... time wait.
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    Alright got it, so it seems to be applying perfectly on relog. Is there no way to "make it" relog without actually relogging? AKA making it automatic?

    Also the %player% placeholder doesn't seem to work.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FireFlies It is %Player%
    And it is doing automated checks already, every 5 minutes by default.
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    I see, I tried the wrong placeholder.

    Is it possible to check every time someone likes on NameMC?
    What are the drawbacks to setting the automated check to a lower number? Such as 5 seconds for example.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I don't get updates from that.
    And might cause lag if you put it too low and have too many players.
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