MySQL Booleans

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WingedMLGPro, May 1, 2015.

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    Hey Everyone!
    I am trying to make a Boolean with MySQL but it doesnt work as it turns it into a tinyint!
    Here is my code:
    public static void createTable() {
            if (isConnected())
                try {
                    connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CreditKits (UUID VARCHAR(100), PlayerName VARCHAR(100), ZombiePigman BOOLEAN, Enderman BOOLEAN, Witch BOOLEAN, Creeper BOOLEAN)");
                } catch (SQLException e) {
    package me.benkea.Kits.CreditKitAPI;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    * © This Document and Code is STRICTLY copyrited(©) to Ben.
    * © If anyone takes any part of this code and uses it for
    * © Something public, Share with someone, uses it for API's,
    * © implementing it to their code and taking the rights for
    * © it is NOT allowed unless you get permission from me!
    * © This project SwiftyPVP was created by 35047
    * © at 27/04/15 at 8:20 PM
    public class KitsAPI {
        public Boolean hasZombiePigman(Player p){
            ResultSet rs = CreditKitMySQL.getResult("SELECT ZombiePigman FROM CreditKits WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
            try {
                if ({
                    return rs.getBoolean("ZombiePigman");
                return null;
            } catch (SQLException e){
            return false;
        public Boolean hasEnderman(Player p){
            ResultSet rs = CreditKitMySQL.getResult("SELECT Enderman FROM CreditKits WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
            try {
                if ({
                    return rs.getBoolean("Enderman");
                return false;
            } catch (SQLException e){
            return false;
        public Boolean hasWitch(Player p){
            ResultSet rs = CreditKitMySQL.getResult("SELECT Witch FROM CreditKits WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
            try {
                if ({
                    return rs.getBoolean("Witch");
                return false;
            } catch (SQLException e){
            return false;
        public Boolean hasCreeper(Player p){
            ResultSet rs = CreditKitMySQL.getResult("SELECT Creeper FROM CreditKits WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
            try {
                if ({
                    return rs.getBoolean("Creeper");
                return false;
            } catch (SQLException e){
            return false;
        public void setHasZombiePigman(Player p, Boolean b){
            if (hasZombiePigman(p)==null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("INSERT INTO `CreditKits`(`UUID`, `PlayerName`, `ZombiePigman`) VALUES ('"+p.getUniqueId()+"','"+p.getName()+"','"+b+"')");
            else if (hasZombiePigman(p)!=null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("UPDATE `CreditKits` SET `UUID`='"+p.getUniqueId()+"',`PlayerName`='"+p.getName()+"',`ZombiePigman`='"+b+"' WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
        public void setHasEnderman(Player p, Boolean b){
            if (hasZombiePigman(p)==null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("INSERT INTO `CreditKits`(`UUID`, `PlayerName`, `Enderman`) VALUES ('"+p.getUniqueId()+"','"+p.getName()+"','"+b+"')");
            else if (hasZombiePigman(p)!=null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("UPDATE `CreditKits` SET `UUID`='"+p.getUniqueId()+"',`PlayerName`='"+p.getName()+"',`Enderman`='"+b+"' WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
        public void setHasWitch(Player p, Boolean b){
            if (hasZombiePigman(p)==null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("INSERT INTO `CreditKits`(`UUID`, `PlayerName`, `Witch`) VALUES ('"+p.getUniqueId()+"','"+p.getName()+"','"+b+"')");
            else if (hasZombiePigman(p)!=null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("UPDATE `CreditKits` SET `UUID`='"+p.getUniqueId()+"',`PlayerName`='"+p.getName()+"',`Witch`='"+b+"' WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
        public void setHasCreeper(Player p, Boolean b){
            if (hasZombiePigman(p)==null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("INSERT INTO `CreditKits`(`UUID`, `PlayerName`, `Creeper`) VALUES ('"+p.getUniqueId()+"','"+p.getName()+"','"+b+"')");
            else if (hasZombiePigman(p)!=null){
                CreditKitMySQL.update("UPDATE `CreditKits` SET `UUID`='"+p.getUniqueId()+"',`PlayerName`='"+p.getName()+"',`Creeper`='"+b+"' WHERE UUID='"+p.getUniqueId()+"'");
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    @WingedMLGPro Yes indeed in mysql BOOLEAN takes values 0 and 1 (0 false, 1 true) at least thats what i know so far :3
    and a few notices (i could not avoid pointing them out xD)
    Java naming convention :3

    Can you copyright code based on bukkit? -thats a question i had for a loong time-
  3. What you can simply do is ResultSet#getString(<column>).equalsIgnoreCase("1"), that's how I do it
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    No, all code that references the Bukkit API at all must be released under the GPL or compatible licenses (i.e. it is free to be modified, used, and redistributed by anyone).
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