My logger prints two lines?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xZise, Feb 14, 2011.

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    Hello, I don't know why but my logger prints always two lines of code?
    14.02.2011 14:41:58 de.xzise.plugin.parser.TestPlugin onEnable
    INFO: SplitTest 1 enabled
    The call is here.
    I'm using a pretty new version (directly from git from yesterday or the day before yesterday…).

    Is that intended? Because at the moment it interrupting my console output. Before you pretty clear could see, what my plugin did.

  2. Offline


    It may not be relevant, but try getting rid of the @overrides, scrapbukkit doesn't do that and i don't think its necessary.
  3. Offline


    It's not necessary but it's sure is helpful and can prevent weird bugs when there are bukkit API changes. That way when the overriding method is no longer overriding anything you get an error message.
    I think Scrapbukkit don't use it because it's a Java1.5 feature, and they seem to try to support older java versions as well.
  4. Offline


    Use Logger.getLogger("Minecraft") instead of Logger.getLogger("minecraft").
  5. Offline


    will also work correctly.
  6. Offline


    Ah with an uppercase M it works :)

    @ xpansive: I use these annotation to avoid errors if the method doesn't exists in the superclass anymore. Then the compiler stops me and I could watch what the best reaction is (Info).

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