MVTP Command Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xMrElias, Jun 13, 2016.

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    So i am making a server and have used the multiverse pluggin to make a hub world, its all going well but i now have a problem, i used a plugins Menu so i can lets them teleport between the world but i want it to happen through the menu, like after they click the item in the menu they get teleported, the /MVTP command requires a name for it to work, so what will i put there so the person who clicks it gets teleported. I have tried @p but it just says player: @p not found.

    Can you help me? Is what im asking possible?
  2. Offline


    have you tried /mvtp %player% <World Name>

    WAIT A SEC... The plugin does not require a player name???? Its just /mvtp <world>
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
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    Trust me, it dosnt for you but i want it to work for whoever clicks it and i dont know how to do that, also i did try %player% but it still didnt work
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    What plugin are you using for this? (Sorry haven't been on bukkit for a long time) Things like %player% and @p are called variables! Just go on google and search <PluginName> and then variables
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
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  6. Offline


    Ya I know you use multiverse but what plugin are you using for the menu?
  7. Offline


    Create your own menus
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    I have found a solution! I went to the Create your oun menu's bukkit page and it says under Features:
    • Use commands to manage all of your menus
    • Use any in-game item as a menu item
    • Edit menus in-game using inventories
    • Open menus using commands, command blocks or other menus
    • Activate any menu item simply by clicking it in an open menu
    • Alternatively, activate menu items by holding in hand and right-clicking (can be used to open menus and more)
    • Modify the lore of any item using commands /menu script clear and /menu script [comment/command] commands
    • Add, remove, modify and share menus using their .yml files in the "plugins/CreateYourOwnMenus/menus" folder
    • Optionally run the command as the player instead of console by using the /sudo command E.g. /sudo @p kill
    • Show/hide menu script commands using the /menu script show and /menu script hide commands
    • Delay execute of commands in a script using the /delay [ticks] menu script command
    • Use {curly braces} to add dynamic arguments to commands (prompts the clicking player)
    • If you have Vault installed you can use /requirecurrency to check if a player has a given amount of currency
    In Bold it says "Use {curly braces} to add dynamic arguments to commands (prompts the clicking player)" this means instead of %player% or @p it is {player}! the command would be: /mvtp {player} [World]! :) I have not tested this on my server yet but I hope it will work! :)
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