multiworld bed spawn proplem/question

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 5tinger, Dec 31, 2013.

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    I'm running a mulitworld server using Multiverse-core, Multiverse-inventories, Multiverse-portals, and Multiverse-netherportals. I have world groups setup and would like per world group bed spawns to work. I don't want a player to spawn to their bed in another world if the world is in a different group.

    the problem is if I have a bed spawn in a survival world and travel to another world in another group, and create a bed spawn there, I loose the bed spawn in the survival world. Is it possible to have multiple bed spawn locations based on world group? Maybe a setting I'm missing or another plugin to achieve this?
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    I don't like bumping, but I was hoping for someone's experience with this.
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    Hi. I am interested in the same thing. Have you found a solution yet?
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