Multiverse Inventories

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sonic_364, Jun 20, 2013.

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    I am having trouble with Multiverse Inventories. Some things that happen are I link the nether and regular world and people lose their items when they go to the nether or go to regular world. Also when people go to different worlds they glitch and have the same stuff as the world before and when they go back to the other world they lose their stuff. Is there a plugin that separates all inventories in different worlds that I could use besides Multiverse Inventories. I saw the server Omegarealm used a plugin that did this. Can anyone help?
  2. multiverse inventories works fine, the problem will be in your config somewhere.
  3. Offline


    Here is my pastebin for config,
    # Multiverse-Inventories Settings

    # ===[ Multiverse Inventories Config ]===
    # This is the locale you wish to use.
    locale: en
    # If this is true it will generate world groups for you based on MV worlds.
    first_run: false
    # If this is set to true, it will enable bypass permissions (Check the wiki for more info.)
    use_bypass: false
    # If set to true, any world not listed in a group will automatically use the settings for the default group!
    default_ungrouped_worlds: false
    # The default and suggested setting for this is FALSE.
    # False means Multiverse-Inventories will not attempt to load or save any player data when they log in and out.
    # That means that MINECRAFT will handle that exact thing JUST LIKE IT DOES NORMALLY.
    # Changing this to TRUE will have Multiverse-Inventories save player data when they log out and load it when they log in.
    # The biggest potential drawback here is that if your server crashes, player stats/inventories may be lost/rolled back!
    save_load_on_log_in_out: true
    # If this is set to true, players will have different inventories/stats for each game mode.
    # Please note that old data migrated to the version that has this feature will have their data copied for both game modes.
    use_game_mode_profiles: false
    # When set to true, optional shares WILL be utilized in cases where a group does not cover their uses for a world.
    # An example of this in action would be an ungrouped world using last_location. When this is true, players will return to their last location in that world.
    # When set to false, optional shares WILL NOt be utilized in these cases, effectively disabling it for ungrouped worlds.
    optionals_for_ungrouped_worlds: true
    # You must specify optional shares you wish to use here or they will be ignored.
    # The only built in optional share is "economy"
    use_optionals: []
  4. its the groups.yml from multiverse inventories i need. thats what defines what world shares what.
  5. Offline


    I have fixed the multiple worlds problem, but not the nether one. Here is my groups.yml:
    # Multiverse-Inventories Groups

    # To ADD, DELETE, and EDIT groups use the command /mvinv group.
    # No support will be given for those who manually edit these groups.
    - world_nether
    - world
    - world_the_end
    - all
  6. ok, i cant see a problem with that. is that the default config?

    the config works like this:
    # Options for shares: inventory, exp, health, hunger, beds
    # Worlds not listed in a group will have a separate personal inventory/stats/bed UNLESS default_ungrouped_worlds is true
    groups:                                              is the opening line.
      default:                                            is the name of the group
        worlds:                                          is the list of worlds in this group
        - survival_nether
        - survival
        - survival_the_end
        shares:                                           is what these worlds will share with each other
        - all
  7. Offline


    # Multiverse-Inventories Groups
    # To ADD, DELETE, and EDIT groups use the command /mvinv group.
    # No support will be given for those who manually edit these groups.
        - world_nether
        - world
        - world_the_end
        - all
    That's what mine looks like.
  8. Offline


    Did you use the commands to create these, or did you manually edit this yourself? It DOES make a difference in many cases... there is a reason they put that there for you to see...
  9. Offline


    No, I used commands.
  10. not really. in earlier versions, that message isn't there. i use multiverse on a tekkit server and my config looks like this:
    # Multiverse-Inventories Groups
    # This is where you configure your world groups
    # example below:
    #    groups:
    #      example_group:
    #        worlds:
    #        - world1
    #        - world2
    #        shares:
    #        - all
    # In this example, world1 and world2 will share everything sharable.
    # When things are shared this means they are the SAME for each world listed in the group.
    # Options for shares: inventory, exp, health, hunger, beds
    # Worlds not listed in a group will have a separate personal inventory/stats/bed UNLESS default_ungrouped_worlds is true
        - survival_nether
        - survival
        - survival_the_end
        - all
    what to do is post a list of worlds you have and what you want them to share (using my explanation above to help you understand how it works). i'll generate a config you can use.
  11. Offline


    Ok, but my config I thought was fine.
  12. it is. thats why i can't understand what the problem is.
  13. Offline


    I know, someone's stuff just reset again. It is happening when they go to a world then come back.

    Are you sure there is nothing wrong with my config?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  14. Offline


    Must be a VERY early version, as I've been using this since 1.6 beta (or somewhere close to there) and have always noticed that message.

    The only time I ever saw this was when I decided to manually set the config instead of using in-game commands...

    I would honestly recommend backing up the multiverse-inventories folder... completely reinstall it... and try using the in-game commands to configure the group file.

    It's worth a shot at least to see if it works... quite sure the dev's would have a reason to add something like their warning in the config file, and I wouldn't rule out how valid their advice may be.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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