Multiverse: How can I add a nether to a new world.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Cubby208, Oct 23, 2013.

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    Hello, I am building a server in minecraft. I built the spawn area inside of sp and imported the world in the world with world edit. I also have many other worlds so not using the plugin is not an option.

    I would like to be able to link a nether and an end to the world. I would like it so that anyone can easily build a portal to the nether just like in vanilla. How do I set this up?

    Also I worry for when people kill the enter dragon. I plan to re spawn it once a week, or when someone pays for it. Is their a way to easily do that without unblinking the worlds?
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    Assuming your world name is 'walrus':
    /mv create walrus_nether NETHER
    /mv create walrus_the_end END

    To reset the End (and respawn the dragon as well) I'd suggest using Multiverse-Adventure
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