More flexible voting plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by RobotGymnast, May 17, 2011.

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    A plugin which creates a vote for a specific command (or series of commands) to be executed on the server, for whatever purpose. These commands would be executed as though they were chat commands from a temporary op (with '*' permissions) player. The vote would appear in the chat, and players would be able to cast their vote using a chat command.

    Ideally (but certainly not necessary), it would be configurable for things like
    • Fraction of players that need to vote before the polls close
    • Players who are allowed to vote
    • Fraction of players considered a "successful" vote
    • Number of votes different players are "worth"
    • Time-delayed commands (e.g. "/op RobotGymnast; delay 300; /deop RobotGymnast")
    • Who is allowed to create votes
    • Delay between creation of votes from a single player
    I ask because on our server, there are occasions in which we need op (or higher-permissions) commands, but we don't want to give those to any one player (including the server admin). If we could implement a voting system, where we could vote on a command (say, "/give RobotGymnast obsidian 2048; /give RobotGymnast flint_and_steel 1"), then it would be a nice, democratic way of doing things.
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