Monument Wars

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by lordjohnaitest, Oct 24, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Monument wars

    What I want:


    Thank you for reading this. I hope someone would be able do this!!!

    Basics: In this game there would be two teams. Each team would have a separate team spawn and a "Monument" the Monument would be a golden cube on a platform of that teams color. The objective of the game would be to break all of the other teams the During the first 10 minutes would be a building phase. You would be in custom survival mode to build a base to defend later. After the 10 minutes all of the players would be put in a survival mode for the "War Phase". For chat purposed players name tags should be changed to the two team colors: red and blue. I would like a team chat command /Tc (message) that only their team would be able to see. There would need to be a list of unbreakable blocks for grief protection Please make configurable in a Config.yml file). Players should not be able to break their own monument.

    Before the game: Before the game players would be teleported into a lobby when they join until there are 6 players. If possible players would vote on a map to play. There would be a 30 second timer and then the game will start. Form there the players would be split onto teams and start the “Build Phase”

    Build Phase: During the build phase players would be in a survival mode with speed effect and a chest in inventory slot 9. This chest when right clicked would open a menu with different blocks. (Preferably configurable in a config.yml file). Players would receive tools (Preferably configurable in the Config file). I would like that when players die their inventory would reset back to the inventory that they spawned in with (chest,tools,ect) There would be a certain limit to how far the players can build out form their base during Build Time. One out of that range they receive a chat message that tells them they are to far out side of their territory and they will not be able to build there. Every minute there should be a chat message telling players how much time is left and if possible a sidebar with the time displayed. Players should not be able to break the other team’s monument during build time. There should be no Pvp during build time. Late joining players would just be assigned a team and play.

    War time: During war time there should be different classes for players to choose through. When players die their inventory would be reset to the last kit. They should be able to break the enemy team’s monument. Players will always respawn on their own spawn piece (A piece of glowstone with their colored wool around it). Late joining players would be assigned a team and be set to war mode and play.

    Custom classes: For custom classes I would like 8 of classes

    > Knight: Iron armor, 3 healing potions, and boots so that they take no fall damage.

    > Tank: Diamond Armor, diamond sword, Slowness potion effect while playing.

    > Archer: Bow (Infinity 1, Power 3, Punch 1, Unbreaking 4) Bow (Fireaspect 2, unbreaking 3)

    > Wizard: Diamond helmet, leather chest plate leggings and boots. BlazeRod Right click to cycle between lightning and fireball mode. When in a mode (fireball or lightning left click to soot a fireball or a lighting strike. Players should not be able to constantly shoot lightning or fireballs. (If the Xp bar were to fill up and then fire ball took 10 percent to fire and 50 percent to lightning and it goes up 10 percent every second this problem would be solved)

    > Breeder: Iron helmet, diamond chest plate, leather leggings and pants. Would spawn with 3 wolf eggs, when the wolfs are spawned they will be automatically tamed to the player who spawned them. The player would also get a diamond axe (knockback 5). When ever players get a kill they will receive another egg that will also be tamed when spawned.

    > Builder: The builder would be the build time class with leather armor (if possible dies team color).

    > Medic: White leather armor. 64 splash potions of healing 32 potion of regeneration and swiftness.

    > Bounty hunter: Players will get diamond helmet and boots and iron chest plate and leggings. Each time the player gets a kill the sword will gain a level of sharpness.

    Breaking the Monument: When a player tries to break his own monument they will receive a message telling them to break the other team’s monument and the block will be replaced. When a player breaks the other team’s monument a message will be displayed saying who is breaking which monument. One all of the golden blocks have been broken the team that breaks them will win.

    After the game: After the game players would be kicked form the server. The server would reset the map for the next group of players.

    Ideas for commands:

    · /War Setspawn (red/blue) - Set spawn points for teams.

    · /War start (build/war) - To go directly to war or build phase.

    · / Classes - To display classes

    · /War lobbyset – To set the lobby for map selection and before the game.

    Ideas for permissions:
    War.admin – Gives player permission to do /war start, /War lobbyset, /War Set spawn.

    War.class.(classname) - Permission to use classes.

    When I'd like it by: When ever someone could get it by.

    Thank you!!! If this is not possible please let me know.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  2. Offline


    This looks cool is it possible?
  3. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Yes, it is possible.
  4. Offline


    Its possible but would take a ton of work probably.
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    People don't usually make complicated minigames plugins for the public. Apparently there hard to make and people want minigames to be unique to their server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @E=Mc2 Time consuming is a better description.
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    I wouldn't know anyway I just started coding a while ago. I am still a noob following youtube videos.
  8. Offline


    Do you think someone would do this or not?
  9. @E=Mc2 That's correct, but thankfully there is a plugin out there to handle most mechanics for minigames.

    @lordjohnaitest I can possibly do this for you, but it would require another plugin to work alongside it- Minigames By _Razz_. Minigames could let you customize all of the teams and kits and such. The plugin I would make would simply let you designate a world or area for the game, and kill everyone who has the same nameplate color as the monument broken. You would need to disable the placing of wool (by the plugin's block whitelist/blacklist), and you'd need to mark a monument like so:

    Gold block on top of wool color of choice

    Does this meet your requirements or is there anything I am missing?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
  10. Offline


    Thank you so much!!!!
  11. Offline


    Sorry to be rude but do you know when this might be done?

    @0ct0berBkkitPlgins Sorry to be rude.

    Do you think you are going to do this or is it abandoned?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  12. Offline


    So he said he would do it and now hes just going to quit? Thats kind of rude, I was looking forward to this to.

  13. Offline


    It's kind of rude for someone to attempt to make a large plugin for you for free and then stop?

    Weird, and here I was thinking that there'd be some respect for those making these things for you for free
    It takes a lot of time to do these things, especially plugins like these. IF we decide not to make them, then that's our decision
  14. Offline


    @Scimiguy is right @E=Mc2 he could be making money with his skills making plugins takes time and he was doing it for a stranger across the internet.
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