MobStackPro - Advanced Mob+Spawner Stacking

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by star_biker, Dec 2, 2017.

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    Name Idea: MobStackPro

    Plugin Category: General

    Minecraft version: 1.8

    What I want: I want a plugin that stacks all mobs. But, in the config folder I want to be able to select if all mobs get stacked or not. I also want to be able to select if when I kill a mob if the whole stack dies dies or not, and also if they drop the whole stack loot and xp or not. Finally, I want to be able to also stacked all mob spawners that are connected with a maximum of 50 spawners and for example when a mob spawns out of that 50 spawner stacker it will automatically stack all mobs that came out and make [{mobhead} {stacksize}] above that mobs head. Also, the name above the mobs head I want it to be the mobs actual head and then the number so [{mobhead} {stacksize}] Thanks for reading!

    >> All Mobs List: (Also Ghast)

    Ideas for commands:

    /MobStackPro - Shows all commands

    /MobStackProReload - Reloads Config

    /RemoveStacked - Kills all stacked mobs

    /MobsList - Shows list of stackable mobs

    /MobStackProVersion - Shows Version

    Ideas for permissions:

    MobStack.Pro - Access To /MobStackPro

    Mob.OP - Access To /MobStackProReload

    Mob.Delete - Access To /RemoveStacked

    Mob.List - Access To /MobsList

    Mob.OP - Access To /MobStackProVersion

    When I'd like it by: Just ASAP

    Side Notes: A lot of plugins I see do have this stuff but forget to add some mobs and do not offer stacked spawners or have the mob type head and then the number of stacked mobs with it so please add all mob types! Thanks! Also, please make the max spawner stack limit 50 and max mob stack limit 250 and customizable please and thank you!
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
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    Sfmbe but what is mob stacking?
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    @MightyOne Mob Stacking is like lets say 10 Zombies are near each other then they would all combine into 1 zombie body and say above there head "{ZombieHead} X10 MOB}" and for Spawner Stacking lets say the player has 15 Zombie Spawners and he places 1 down, it will place one down and then once he places another one if it is placed right next the spawner that is the same then it will stack them and say above the spawner "{MobHeadOfSpawner} {NumberOfSpawners} SPAWNER" and for example for my 15 Zombie Spawners after placing the spawner right next to the hosted spawner it will say "{ZombieHead} X15 SPAWNER} and with the mob it would say for my example of 10 "{{ZombieHead} X10 MOB}" and also so if I had 15 spawners of zombies in my house stacked then once a zombie spawns it would spawn 15 zombies and automatically stack them with a maximum of 250. So that's basically what I am trying to say with Mob and Spawner stacking and if you need any more information about my idea about the plugin just ask and I would be willing to help you as much as possible!
  4. Offline


    Would anyone make this plugin for me please?
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    Anyone please?
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