Mob specific Spawn Area

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Liger_XT5, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I've seen a lot of plugins that manage mobs and allow mobs to spawned under commands.
    I don't know if this plugin exists, or existed, but I would like one where X number of specific mob(s) in Y Range.

    For an example. Let's say some players like to go out and kill off all the villagers known on the server.

    An admin can go in, stand where the center point is, and use the command to state the range and max number of villagers in the area around him. In the config there could be a set delay to check to see if the the number of mobs in the loaded chunks have reached below the max, then slowly new villagers spawn with a possible time range. One new spawning every 2-5 minutes.

    The admin then can leave. When ever the chunks are loaded, the server could check to see if the area has X or less villagers.
  2. Offline


    I'm looking for a plugin like that too!
  3. Offline


    Nice to know I'm not the only one looking around. I just need to maintain the villager population, no thanks to some kids thinking MC is GTA lol

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